

Summer - The HTML5 Library for Java and Scala

Summer is the next generation presentation layer library for Spring MVC. It provides the world's best HTML5 template engine and takes advantage of many Spring features like MVC annotations and data binding, content negotiation, REST support, conversion and various others. In addition it supports a number of Java EE 6 specifications including Servlet 3.0, JPA 2.0, Bean Validation and EL 2.2.

Summer enables the creation of true web modules that package every required static resource. It also makes AJAX really simple by providing partial page rendering capabilities. Support for HTML5 WebSockets is available through the popular Atmosphere framework.


You can create and run a blank Summer project by using the following commands:

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=http://www.asual.com/maven/content/groups/public/archetype-catalog.xml
mvn eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true
mvn jetty:run

Specify the dependencies manually

In order to use Summer you need the following records to your Maven 3 POM file:

        <name>Asual Releases Repository</name>



14/04/2014 - 1.1.4

01/19/2012 - 1.0.0.RC1

02/18/2011 - 1.0.0.M2

10/01/2010 - 1.0.0.M1

Initial release.