


<p align="center"> <strong>Handbook:</strong> <a href="https://astro.github.io/microvm.nix/">HTML</a> <a href="doc/src/SUMMARY.md">Markdown</a> • <strong><a href="https://matrix.to/#/#microvm.nix:envs.net">Matrix chat</a></strong> • <strong><a href="./CHANGELOG.md">Changelog</a></strong> • <strong><a href="https://github.com/sponsors/astro">Support the project</a></strong> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="doc/src/demo.gif" alt="Demo GIF"> </p>

A Nix Flake to build NixOS and run it on one of several Type-2 Hypervisors on NixOS/Linux. The project is intended to provide a more isolated alternative to nixos-container. You can either build and run MicroVMs like Nix packages, or alternatively install them as systemd services declaratively in your host's Nix Flake or imperatively with the provided microvm command.

Project Presentation (video)

At a glance


cloud-hypervisorRustno 9p shares
firecrackerRustno 9p/virtiofs shares
crosvmRust9p shares broken
kvmtoolCno virtiofs shares, no control socket
stratovirtRustno 9p/virtiofs shares, no control socket


nix registry add microvm github:astro/microvm.nix

(If you do not want to inflict this change on your system, just replace microvm with github:astro/microvm.nix in the following examples.)

Start writing your own NixOS MicroVM definitions

nix flake init -t microvm
$EDITOR flake.nix
nix run .#my-microvm


Run MicroVMs on your local machine

nix run microvm#qemu-example
nix run microvm#firecracker-example
nix run microvm#cloud-hypervisor-example
nix run microvm#crosvm-example
nix run microvm#kvmtool-example
nix run microvm#stratovirt-example

Run a MicroVM example with nested MicroVMs on 5 different Hypervisors

nix run microvm#vm

Check networkctl status virbr0 for the DHCP leases of the nested MicroVMs. They listen for ssh with an empty root password.

Experimental: run graphical applications in cloud-hypervisor with Wayland forwarding

nix run microvm#graphics neverball

Commercial support

Accelerate your operations and secure your infrastructure with support from the maker of microvm.nix and a team of virtualization experts. Contact Cyberus Technology: https://www.cyberus-technology.de/contact

Looking for help or customization?

Get in touch with Numtide to get a quote. We make it easy for companies to work with Open Source projects: https://numtide.com/contact