

RIPE Atlas Command Line Manager

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A modular and extendable manager for RIPE Atlas API. Gives you basic commands to use the API with a friendlier way from command line. Example of available commands are the creation of a UDM, showing of meta data and results download.


You can install by either cloning the repo and run the following inside the repo:

    $ python setup.py install

or via pip using:

    $ pip install https://github.com/astrikos/ripe-atlas-cmdline/zipball/master

Using the manager

In order to use the manager you have to run:

    $ ./atlas-manage <command> [options].

Running just:

    $ ./atlas-manage

will list you the already existent commands.

If you want to see the additional options for every command use -h option e.g.

    ./atlas-manage create -h


    $ ./atlas-manage create --help_text

as an option will show you a small description for every command. Adding Commands

A new command can be added by adding a python file inside commands directory and create a class with the name Command. There is a template example that anyone can use and write its own commands following the template.