

Google APIs Client library for OCaml

gapi-ocaml is a simple, unofficial, OCaml client for Google Services. The library supports ClientLogin, OAuth 1.0a, and OAuth 2.0 authentication. Supported RESTful APIs:


Building gapi-ocaml


You will need the following libraries:

This library was developed and tested on Ubuntu LTS (64-bit).

Configuration and installation

To build the library, run

$ make

To install the library, run (as root, if your user doesn't have enough privileges)

$ make install

To build and run the tests, execute

$ make test

See src/test/README.md for further details regarding the tests.

To build the examples:

$ dune build @examples

See examples/README.md for further details regarding the examples.

To generate the documentation, run

$ make doc

Then you can browse the HTML documentation starting from gapi-ocaml.docdir/index.html, but is not installed by default.

To uninstall anything that was previously installed, execute

$ make uninstall


See auth examples in examples/auth for some examples of how to use Google's authorization endpoints.

See examples directory to find code samples that show usage of some services.

See tools/serviceGenerator.ml for a complex example of how to use functional lenses within the state monad.

See tools/README.md for the instructions of how to build and run the service generator utility.