

The Makam metalanguage -- a tool for rapid language prototyping


Copyright (C) 2012- Antonis Stampoulis

This program is free software, licensed under the GPLv3 (see LICENSE).


Makam is a metalanguage that eases implementation of languages with rich type systems, supporting concise and modular language definitions, aimed at allowing rapid prototyping and experimentation with new programming language research ideas. The design of Makam is based on higher-order logic programming and is a refinement of the λProlog language. Makam is implemented from scratch in OCaml.

The name comes from the makam/maqam of traditional Turkish and Arabic music: a set of techniques of improvisation, defining the pitches, patterns and development of a piece of music.

The design and development of Makam started in 2012 at MIT, under the supervision of Prof. Adam Chlipala, and continues as a personal project at Originate NYC.

To read more about Makam, visit my homepage:



There are multiple ways to install Makam: The easiest way is by using the makam Node.js package that includes a pre-compiled Makam binary.

Install through Node



(Alternatively, instead of installing Makam globally, you can install Makam under ./node_modules with npm install makam, in which case you'll have to use ./node_modules/.bin/makam to run makam, or add $(pwd)/node_modules/.bin to your path.)

Install through OPAM



Clone the repository to get the Makam source code.

git clone https://github.com/astampoulis/makam.git

You then need to install OPAM, the OCaml Package Manager. Instructions are available at:


We have been testing using the OCaml 4.11.1 configuration. Creating a local switch is the recommended way to keep the OCaml compiler configuration and dependencies separate from other OCaml projects you might have. To create a local switch, install all dependencies, and set up the environment variables you need, do:

Makam also depends on Node.js, which is used for optimized parser generation. Instructions are available at:


Most recent versions of Node.js should work. If you are on an old version (before 7.x), you can use nave to install a newer Node.js version:

npm install -g nave && nave use 12

(Other Node version managers like n and nvm should also work.)

Finally, compile Makam:


Now, when you want to run Makam, just issue:


Examples written in Makam are available in the same repository that you cloned above. Having a local copy is useful as a reference point, since there's no tutorial yet; look in the examples directory.

To update your version of Makam, you can do:

git pull
opam install . --deps-only

Using Makam

Unfortunately we do not have a Makam tutorial yet. I am in the process of writing introductory posts which will be available in my homepage:


Look into the files in the examples/ directory for sample developments in Makam.