


<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-BADGE:START - Do not remove or modify this section -->

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ngx-indexed-db is a service that wraps IndexedDB database in an Angular service combined with the power of observables.


$ npm install ngx-indexed-db


$ yarn add ngx-indexed-db


Import the NgxIndexedDBModule and set up it:

import { NgxIndexedDBModule, DBConfig } from 'ngx-indexed-db';

const dbConfig: DBConfig  = {
  name: 'MyDb',
  version: 1,
  objectStoresMeta: [{
    store: 'people',
    storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
    storeSchema: [
      { name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
      { name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } }

  imports: [


import { NgxIndexedDBModule, DBConfig } from 'ngx-indexed-db';

// Ahead of time compiles requires an exported function for factories
export function migrationFactory() {
  // The animal table was added with version 2 but none of the existing tables or data needed
  // to be modified so a migrator for that version is not included.
  return {
    1: (db, transaction) => {
      const store = transaction.objectStore('people');
      store.createIndex('country', 'country', { unique: false });
    3: (db, transaction) => {
      const store = transaction.objectStore('people');
      store.createIndex('age', 'age', { unique: false });

const dbConfig: DBConfig  = {
  name: 'MyDb',
  version: 3,
  objectStoresMeta: [{
    store: 'people',
    storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
    storeSchema: [
      { name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
      { name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } }
  }, {
    // animals added in version 2
    store: 'animals',
    storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
    storeSchema: [
      { name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: true } },
  // provide the migration factory to the DBConfig

  imports: [

NgxIndexedDB service

Import and inject the service:

import { NgxIndexedDBService } from 'ngx-indexed-db';

  export class AppComponent {
    constructor(private dbService: NgxIndexedDBService){


We cover several common methods used to work with the IndexedDB

add<T>(storeName: string, value: T, key?: any): Observable<T & {id: any}>

Adds new entry in the store and returns item added

It publishes in the observable the key value of the entry

  .add('people', {
    name: `Bruce Wayne`,
    email: `bruce@wayne.com`,
  .subscribe((key) => {
    console.log('key: ', key);

In the previous example I'm using undefined as the key because the key is configured in the objectStore as auto-generated.

bulkAdd<T>(storeName: string, values: Array<T & { key?: any }>): Observable<number[]>

Adds new entries in the store and returns its key

  .bulkAdd('people', [
      name: `charles number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
      email: `email number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
      name: `charles number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
      email: `email number ${Math.random() * 10}`,
  .subscribe((result) => {
    console.log('result: ', result);

bulkDelete(storeName: string, keys: Key[]): Observable<number[]>

Delete multiple items in the store

  this.dbService.bulkDelete('people', [5, 6]).subscribe((result) => {
    console.log('result: ', result);

bulkGet<T>(storeName: string, keys: Array<IDBValidKey>): Observable<T[]>

Retrieve multiple entries in the store

this.dbService.bulkGet('people', [1, 3, 5]).subscribe((result) => {
    console.log('results: ', result);

bulkPut<T>(storeName: string, values: Array<T & { key?: any }>): Observable<number[]>

Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key. Return all items present in the store

@Return The return value is an Observable with the primary key of the object that was last in given array

@error If the call to bulkPut fails the transaction will be aborted and previously inserted entities will be deleted

this.dbService.bulkPut('people', people).subscribe((result) => {
  console.log('result: ', result);

update<T>(storeName: string, value: T): Observable<T[]>

Adds or updates a record in store with the given value and key. Return item updated

  .update('people', {
    id: 1,
    email: 'luke@skywalker.com',
    name: 'Luke Skywalker',
  .subscribe((storeData) => {
    console.log('storeData: ', storeData);

getByKey<T>(storeName: string, key: IDBValidKey): Observable<T>

Returns entry by key.

this.dbService.getByKey('people', 1).subscribe((people) => {

getAll<T>(storeName: string): Observable<T[]>

Return all elements from one store

this.dbService.getAll('people').subscribe((peoples) => {

getByIndex<T>(storeName: string, indexName: string, key: IDBValidKey): Observable<T>

Returns entry by index.

this.dbService.getByIndex('people', 'name', 'Dave').subscribe((people) => {

createObjectStore(storeSchema: ObjectStoreMeta, migrationFactory?: () => { [key: number]: (db: IDBDatabase, transaction: IDBTransaction) => void }): void

Allows to crate a new object store ad-hoc

const storeSchema: ObjectStoreMeta = {
  store: 'people',
  storeConfig: { keyPath: 'id', autoIncrement: true },
  storeSchema: [
    { name: 'name', keypath: 'name', options: { unique: false } },
    { name: 'email', keypath: 'email', options: { unique: false } },


count(storeName: string, keyRange?: IDBValidKey | IDBKeyRange): Observable<number>

Returns the number of rows in a store.

this.dbService.count('people').subscribe((peopleCount) => {

deleteObjectStore(storeName: string): Observable<boolean>

Delete the store by name, return true or false.


delete<T>(storeName: string, key: Key): Observable<T[]>

Returns all items from the store after delete.

this.dbService.delete('people', 3).subscribe((allPeople) => {
  console.log('all people:', allPeople);

deleteByKey(storeName: string, key: Key): Observable<boolean>

Returns true if the delete completes successfully.

this.dbService.deleteByKey('people', 3).subscribe((status) => {
  console.log('Deleted?:', status);

openCursor(storeName: string, keyRange?: IDBKeyRange, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Observable<Event>

Returns the open cursor event

this.dbService.openCursor('people', IDBKeyRange.bound("A", "F")).subscribe((evt) => {
    var cursor = (evt.target as IDBOpenDBRequest).result;
    if(cursor) {
    } else {
        console.log('Entries all displayed.');

openCursorByIndex(storeName: string, indexName: string, keyRange: IDBKeyRange, direction?: IDBCursorDirection, mode?: DBMode): Observable<Event>

Open a cursor by index filter.

this.dbService.openCursorByIndex('people', 'name', IDBKeyRange.only('john')).subscribe((evt) => {
    var cursor = (evt.target as IDBOpenDBRequest).result;
    if(cursor) {
    } else {
        console.log('Entries all displayed.');

getAllByIndex<T>(storeName: string, indexName: string, keyRange: IDBKeyRange): Observable<T[]>

Returns all items by an index.

this.dbService.getAllByIndex('people', 'name', IDBKeyRange.only('john')).subscribe((allPeopleByIndex) => {
  console.log('All: ', allPeopleByIndex);

getDatabaseVersion(): Observable<number>

Returns the current database version.

  tap(response => console.log('Versione database => ', response)),
  catchError(err => {
    console.error('Error recover version => ', err);
    return throwError(err);

clear(storeName: string): Observable<boolean>

Returns true if successfully delete all entries from the store.

this.dbService.clear('people').subscribe((successDeleted) => {
  console.log('success? ', successDeleted);

deleteDatabase(): Observable<boolean>

Returns true if successfully delete the DB.

this.dbService.deleteDatabase().subscribe((deleted) => {
  console.log('Database deleted successfully: ', deleted);


Released under the terms of the MIT License.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START - Do not remove or modify this section --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="http://www.angeloparziale.it"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/16490359?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Angelo Parziale</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#maintenance-aparzi" title="Maintenance">🚧</a> <a href="https://github.com/assuncaocharles/ngx-indexed-db/commits?author=aparzi" title="Code">💻</a></td> <td align="center"><a href="https://charlesassuncao.tech/"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/8545105?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Charles Assunção</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/assuncaocharles/ngx-indexed-db/commits?author=assuncaocharles" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="https://github.com/assuncaocharles/ngx-indexed-db/commits?author=assuncaocharles" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="#maintenance-assuncaocharles" title="Maintenance">🚧</a></td> <td align="center"><a href="https://github.com/coolweb"><img src="https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3740250?v=4?s=100" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>coolweb</b></sub></a><br /><a href="#maintenance-coolweb" title="Maintenance">🚧</a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- markdownlint-restore --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END -->

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!