

<div align="center"> <a href="https://assertible.com" target="_blank"> <img src="https://assertible.com/images/logo/logo-horizontal-512x.png" width="256" alt="Assertible logo" title="Testing a Node.js API with Assertible"/> </a> <h2>Automated smoke testing a Go app on Heroku example</h2> <hr/> <a href="https://go-heroku-assertible-example.herokuapp.com/"> <img title="Heroku app" src="https://heroku-badges.herokuapp.com/?app=go-heroku-assertible-example"/> </a> <a href="https://assertible.com"> <img title="Assertible status" src="https://assertible.com/apis/1ffc0c9d-d1e7-47c2-b4d1-62bae28791fb/status?api_token=4f7732214e77f3bcde"/> </a> <br/> </div>

Automatically run smoke tests for a Go application every time it's deployed to Heroku using Assertible.

Tutorial: Automated smoke testing a Go API on Heroku   ·   Example PR   ·   Try opening a PR

Quick start

The following step are high-level overview for how to get review apps working with Assertible.

1. Setup a Heroku app w/ Review Apps enabled

<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assertible/blog/go-heroku-dash-pipeline.png" alt="Heroku pipeline with Review Apps Enabled" />

2. Configure Assertible web service

<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assertible/blog/assertible-new-service-go-heroku-example.png" alt="Configuring a web service in Assertible" />

3. Connect Assertible web service to GitHub

<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assertible/blog/go-heroku-example-assertible-deployments-configuration.png" alt="Connect Assertible to GitHub" />

4. Push code to a pull request

<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assertible/blog/go-heroku-assertible-successful-deployment.png" alt="Automated API tests run by Assertible reported to GitHub pull request" />

Documentation and resources

Testing production

When changes are merged to master, Assertible will automatically run checks against your production application.

You may need to configure a new environment in Assertible which matches the name of your Heroku application. For this app I have created an environment named go-heroku-assertible-example:

<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/assertible/blog/assertible-go-heroku-assertible-example-environment.png" alt="Heroku pipeline with Review Apps Enabled" />


The code in this repository is licensed under MIT. View the license

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