

Mitigating Open-Vocabulary Caption Hallucinations

<p align="center">

<a href="https://assafbk.github.io/website/">Assaf Ben-Kish</a>, <a href="https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZsXf6OMAAAAJ&hl=en">Moran Yanuka</a>, <a href="https://morrisalp.github.io/">Morris Alper</a>, <a href="https://www.giryes.sites.tau.ac.il/">Raja Giryes</a>, <a href="https://www.elor.sites.tau.ac.il/">Hadar Averbuch-Elor</a>

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Hallucinated details are prevalent in the outputs of modern image captioning models. Prior work has largely focused on detecting or mitigating hallucinations by using closed-vocabulary object lists, which simplify the problem but fail to capture most types of hallucinations that occur in practice. By leveraging recent progress in generative foundation models, we propose a unified framework for quantifying and mitigating open-vocabulary hallucinations. <br>

First, We introduce <b>OpenCHAIR</b>, a benchmark for evaluating open-vocabulary hallucinations which surpasses the existing benchmark CHAIR both in diversity and accuracy:<br>

<img src="images/openchair_teaser.png" width="90%"/>

Additionally, we introduce <b>MOCHa</b>, a reinforcement learning-based approach that adjusts captioning models to output detailed, valid captions while avoiding such hallucinations:

<img src="images/mocha_teaser.png" width="90%"/> </p> <br>


Clone Project

git clone https://github.com/assafbk/mocha_code.git
cd mocha_code

Create Environment

To set up our environment, please run:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mocha
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Measure Open-Vocabulary Hallucination Rate With The OpenCHAIR Benchmark

To perform evaluation over the OpenCHAIR benchmark:

  1. Create a csv file with a single column titled 'generated_caption'. The following rows should contain the model's captions for OpenCHAIR's images. An example csv file can be found in:<br> OpenCHAIR/example_gen_file.csv

    Additionally, we provide a script for generating such a file for the MOCHa-optimized BLIP-Base model, by running:

    python OpenCHAIR/generate_captions.py \
        --model-ckpt moranyanuka/blip-image-captioning-base-mocha \
        --prompt "a photography of " \
        --batch-size 100
        --num-beams 5

    Additional information:

    • model-ckpt: The huggingface ckeckpoint of the model to be evaluated. Note that the script currently only supports BLIP-Base and BLIP-Large based models.
    • prompt: The prompt appended for the generation
  2. Download the Concreteness Rating Dataset (xlsx format) from here.

  3. Run the evaluation script:

    python OpenCHAIR/evaluate.py \
        --concreteness-dataset-path <path-to-concreteness-dataset> \
        --generations-file-path <path-to-generated-captions-file>

More configuration options can be found in OpenCHAIR/evaluate.py

The OpenCHAIR dataset can also be accessed from 🤗 Here, and can be loaded as follows:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("moranyanuka/OpenCHAIR")['test']


Fine-Tune A Vision-Language Model With The MOCHa Framework

We currently support BLIP-Large on the MS-COCO Dataset (will add support for other models and datasets in the near future).

To run the training script:

python vlm_rlhf.py

The configuration file is vlm_rlhf_config.json. Important configurations:

All training metrics, including caption samples (for train and verification images) are displayed in the wandb webpage.

Additional configurations:

Check out vlm_rlhf_config.json for more configurations.

Final Model Weights

Model typeCheckpoint
Blip-Base🤗 moranyanuka/blip-image-captioning-base-mocha
Blip-Large🤗 moranyanuka/blip-image-captioning-large-mocha

We will publish the checkpoints of additional models in the near future.



If you find this useful for your research, please cite the following:

      title={Mitigating Open-Vocabulary Caption Hallucinations}, 
      author={Assaf Ben-Kish and Moran Yanuka and Morris Alper and Raja Giryes and Hadar Averbuch-Elor},