

twig-lint - Standalone twig linter

twig-lint is a lint tool for your twig files.

It can be useful to integrate in your ci setup or as the basis of editor plugins (e.g. syntastic for Vim).

Build Status

Installation / Usage

As a dev dependency (recommended)

Add the following to your composer.json:

    "require-dev": {
        "asm89/twig-lint": "*"

Run ./bin/twig-lint lint <file>.

As standalone executable

Install as a global composer dependency:

composer global require "asm89/twig-lint" "@stable"

Run ~/.composer/vendor/bin/twig-lint lint <file>.

Vim and Syntastic configuration

For the standalone executable, add the following to your ~/.vimrc file:

let g:syntastic_twig_twiglint_exec = 'php'
let g:syntastic_twig_twiglint_exe = 'php /path/to/twig-lint'

For the composer dependency, twig-lint must be in your $PATH, no further configuration is needed.


Alexander iam.asm89@gmail.com<br /> Marc Weistroff marc.weistroff@sensiolabs.com (creator of the original twig:lint command in the symfony framework)
