

auction cordapp <img src="../../webIDE.png" height=25 />

This CorDapp serves as a demo of building an auction application on Corda. It leverages different features of Corda like SchedulableState, StatePointer and OwnableState. It also demonstrate how to perform a DvP (Delivery vs Payment) transaction on Corda.

It has a full-functional client included and an angular UI to interact with the nodes.





Refer here to learn more about StatePointer: https://medium.com/corda/linking-corda-states-using-statepointer-16e24e5e602



See https://docs.corda.net/getting-set-up.html.

Running the nodes:

Open a terminal and go to the project root directory and type: (to deploy the nodes using bootstrapper)

./gradlew clean deployNodes

Then type: (to run the nodes)


Running the client:

The client can be run by executing the below command from the project root:

./gradlew runAuctionClient

Please make sure that the nodes are already running before starting the client. The client can be accessed at http://localhost:8085/

Running our Demo

  1. Click on the "Setup Demo Data" button to create somde demo data to play with or you may use the skip button if you wish to setup the deata yourself. Setup Data

  2. The demo data setup would have created some assets from each of the parties. The assets can be found under MyAssets Section. These assets could be put on auction. New assets can be create using the create asset button. The drop down at the top right corner can be used to toggle between parties. The balance next to it indicates the current active parties cash balance. Cash can be issued using the Issue Cash Button. Landing Page

  3. Click on an asset to put it on auction. Input the Base Price and the Auction Deadline and click in the Create Auction button to Create the Auction. Create Auction

  4. Once an auction is created it would be available in the Active Auction section. Its now ready to accept bids. Switch to PartyB and place a bid, by clicking on the auction available in the Active Auction section. Place Bid

  5. Place one more bid by switching to PartyC.

  6. What for the auction to end.

  7. Once the auction is ended its ready to be settled. Settlement can be initiated by the highest bidder. Considering PartyC is the highest bidder, switch to PartyC.

  8. Issue cash equivalent or greater than the highest bid amount for PartyC to pay for the auction settlement. Issue Cash

  9. Now click on the auction and initiate the settlement using the Pay and Settle Button. Pay and Settle

Notice the below things that would happed on auction settlement: