Class-Incremental Learning with Cross-Space Clustering and Controlled Transfer
The official implementation of our ECCV 2022 paper "Class-Incremental Learning with Cross-Space Clustering and Controlled Transfer".<br> <a href="" target="_blank">[Paper]</a> <a href="" target="_blank">[Project Page]</a>
Getting Started
In order to run this repository, we advise you to install python 3.6 and PyTorch 1.2.0 with Anaconda.
You may download Anaconda and read the installation instruction on their official website:
Create a new environment and install PyTorch and torchvision on it:
conda create --yes --name CSCCT-PyTorch python=3.6
conda activate CSCCT-PyTorch
conda install --yes pytorch=1.2.0
conda install --yes torchvision -c pytorch
Install other requirements:
pip install tqdm scipy sklearn tensorboardX Pillow==6.2.2
Running Experiments
python --nb_cl_fg=INITIAL_TASK_SIZE --nb_cl=TASK_SIZE --gpu=GPU --random_seed=1993 --baseline=BASELINE --branch_mode=single --branch_1=free --dataset=DATASET
The above script can be used, replacing
with the number of classes in the first task (given as $\mathcal{B}$ in the paper),
with the number of classes in every subsequent task (given as $\mathcal{C}$ in the paper),
with either 'lucir'
or 'icarl'
with either 'cifar100
or 'imagenet_sub'
with the GPU to run the model in.
Baselines + CSCCT
To add cross-space clustering and controlled transfer (CSCCT) to the baselines, follow the below directions.
To add cross-space clustering (CSC), add the additional flags
--csc --csc_weight SPECIFY_CSC_WEIGHT
with the appropriate weight for the CSC objective. The default value for csc_weight
is $3$.
To add controlled transfer(CT), add the additional flags
--ct --ct_weight SPECIFY_CT_WEIGHT --ct_temperature SPECIFY_CT_TEMP
with the appropriate weight for the CT objective, and SPECIFY_CT_TEMP
with the temperature.
The default value for ct_weight
is $1.5$, and default value for ct_temperature
is $2$.
Note on datasets
CIFAR100 is automatically downloaded to ./data
; the directory can be changed using the flag --data_dir PATH
ImageNet-Subset is assumed to be present at ./data/imagenet_sub
; the parent directory (./data
) can be changed using the flag --data_dir PATH
To download ImageNet-Subset, the full ImageNet dataset from the official ImageNet website (note: requires login) must be first downloaded. Then, the 100-class train and val splits (taken from the codebase of PODNet) should be used to remove the other 900 classes and preprocess the data.
Running Experiments on ImageNet
To run the experiments on ImageNet-Subset, you need to change the hyperparameters according to this file.
If you find this code useful, please cite our work:
title={Class-Incremental Learning with Cross-Space Clustering and Controlled Transfer},
author={Ashok, Arjun and Joseph, KJ and Balasubramanian, Vineeth},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.03767}, year={2022} }