

Understanding Teacher Gaze Patterns for Robot Learning

This respository contains code for the following paper:

A. Saran*, E.S. Short, A. Thomaz, S. Niekum. Understanding Teacher Gaze Patterns for Robot Learning. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), November 2019.

The data for the user study associated with this paper is not permissible for release under IRB constraints. We include dummy data with our code wherever possible.

Code for Statistical Analysis of Gaze Patterns (stat_analysis/)

Pouring Task

Placement Task

Code for SubTask Classification (subtask_detection/)

  1. Non-local neural network
  2. Compact Generalized Non-local neural network

Code for Reward Learning with Gaze-augmented BIRL (gaze_birl/)


If you find our work to be useful in your research, please cite:

  title={Understanding Teacher Gaze Patterns for Robot Learning},
  author={Saran, Akanksha and Short, Elaine Schaertl and Thomaz, Andrea and Niekum, Scott},
  booktitle={Conference on Robot Learning},