


Simple library to detect motion for iOS by <b> matghazaryan</b>.

Based on location updates and acceleration.

###Requierments iOS > 6.0

Compatible with <b>iOS 9</b>

<b>Works on all iOS devices (i.e. not need M7 chip)</b>

<img src="https://raw.github.com/SocialObjects-Software/SOMotionDetector/master/MotionDetection/screenshot.PNG" width=320>

This demo project also demonstrates how to use this library to relaunch the app from killed state.


Copy <b>SOMotionDetector</b> folder to your project.

Link <b>CoreMotion.framework</b>, <b>CoreLocation.framework</b>.

Import <b>"SOMotionDetector.h"</b> file and set SOMotionDetector's callbacks

#import "SOMotionDetector.h


[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance].motionTypeChangedBlock = ^(SOMotionType motionType) {
[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance].locationChangedBlock = ^(CLLocation *location) {

[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance].accelerationChangedBlock = ^(CMAcceleration acceleration) {

If you need to know when location updates were automatically paused due to your app running in the background...

[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance].locationWasPausedBlock = ^(BOOL changed) {

###NOTE! To Support iOS > 8.0 you must add in your info.plist file one of the following keys: <br> NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription<br> NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription

To enable background location updates in iOS > 9.0 you must set allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates to YES <br>

    [SOLocationManager sharedInstance].allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;

You are done!

Now to start motion detection just call

[[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance] startDetection];

To stop detection call

[[SOMotionDetector sharedInstance] stopDetection];

To start step counter call

    [[SOStepDetector sharedInstance] startDetectionWithUpdateBlock:^(NSError *error) {

###Detecting motion types

typedef enum
  MotionTypeNotMoving = 1,
} SOMotionType;


 * Set this parameter to YES if you want to use M7 chip to detect more exact motion type. By default is No.
 * Set this parameter before calling startDetection method.
 * Available only on devices that have M7 chip. At this time only the iPhone 5S, the iPad Air and iPad mini with retina display have the M7 coprocessor.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL useM7IfAvailable;

 *@param speed  The minimum speed value less than which will be considered as not moving state
- (void)setMinimumSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;

 *@param speed  The maximum speed value more than which will be considered as running state
- (void)setMaximumWalkingSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;

 *@param speed  The maximum speed value more than which will be considered as automotive state
- (void)setMaximumRunningSpeed:(CGFloat)speed;

 *@param acceleration  The minimum acceleration value less than which will be considered as non shaking state
- (void)setMinimumRunningAcceleration:(CGFloat)acceleration;

Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries installation in your projects.


pod "SOMotionDetector"
<h2>LICENSE</h2> SOMotionDetector is under MIT License (see LICENSE file)


matghazaryan, matevos14@gmail.com