

CSPICE Toolkit

This is unofficial copy of NASA/JPL SPICE Toolkit for C patched for cross-platform compatibility (Linux, macOS, Windows and Web).

Please refer to the original SPICE Toolkit for C documentation.

<div align="center"><img src="/doc/images/spice_logo.png" align="middle" width="512px" height="158px"/></div>



cd src

The resulting library path is: <repository_root>/lib/libcspice.a


cd src

The resulting library path is: <repository_root>/lib/libcspice.a


Dynamic-Link Library (.dll)

From Visual Studio command line:

cd <repository_root>\src

The resulting library files are:

Static Library (.lib)

From Visual Studio command line:

cd <repository_root>\src

The resulting library file is: <repository_root>\lib\cspice.lib


  1. Install Emscripten

  2. Build the static library:

    cd src

    The resulting library path is: <repository_root>/lib/libcspice_wasm.a

  3. Build cspice.wasm and JavaScript glue code for use in Web Workers (cspice.worker.js) and in Node.js (cspice.node.js)

    cd wasm

    Modify EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS in build_wasm.sh to include all required SPICE functions into .wasm/.js files.

    Modify kernels/wasm.tm to select the SPICE kernels you want to load.

    Note that wasm.tm and itrf93.tf kernels are embedded into the JavaScript glue code.

How to use CSpice WebAssembly in React app

It is recommended to use Create React App (and don't eject it) since it's greatly simplifies the app maintenance.

  1. Copy cspice.worker.js to src/spice/cspice.js (Development and Production)

  2. Copy cspice.node.js to src/spice/__mocks__/cspice.js (Testing with Jest)

  3. Copy (or symlink) cspice.wasm to public/spice and src/spice/__mocks__ folders

  4. Copy (or symlink) all SPICE kernels you want to use to the respective folders: public/spice/kernels/(fk|lsk|pck|spk)

  5. Create file system initialization code, e.g.:


    export function mountFileSystem(instance) {
      const fs = instance.FS;
      fs.mount(instance.IDBFS, {}, '/kernels');
      // initialize file system with data from persistent source
      fs.syncfs(true, (err) => {
        if (err) return;
        // link missing kernels
        try {
          fs.lookupPath('/kernels/leapseconds.tls', {});
        } catch (err) {
          fs.createLazyFile('/kernels', 'leapseconds.tls', '/spice/kernels/lsk/leapseconds.tls', true, false));
        try {
          fs.lookupPath('/kernels/de440s.bsp', {});
        } catch (err) {
          fs.createLazyFile('/kernels', 'de440s.bsp', '/spice/kernels/spk/de440s.bsp', true, false));
        // save file system to persistent source
        fs.syncfs(() => null);


    import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
    function copyFile(fileSystem, dest, src) {
      const stream = fileSystem.open(dest, 'w');
      const data = readFileSync(src);
      fileSystem.write(stream, data, 0, data.length, 0);
    export function mountFileSystem(instance) {
      copyFile(instance.FS, '/kernels/leapseconds.tls', '/spice/kernels/lsk/leapseconds.tls');
      copyFile(instance.FS, '/kernels/de440s.bsp', '/spice/kernels/spk/de440s.bsp');

    Make sure you created/copied all the required kernel files in both Web Worker and Node.js (mocked) code.

  6. Create Web Worker and its wrapper for Jest:


    import cSpice from '../spice/cspice';
    import { mountFileSystem } from '../spice/filesystem';
    const instance = await cSpice();
    export tkvrsn_c = async (str) => instance.ccall('tkvrsn_c', 'string', ['string'], [str]);


    import * as SpiceWorker from '../spice.worker';
    const spiceWorker = () => SpiceWorker;
    export default spiceWorker;
  7. Install workerize-loader

  8. Add Jest config moduleNameMapper option to package.json:

    "jest": {
      "moduleNameMapper": {
        "^.*/spice/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/spice/__mocks__/$1",
        "^workerize-loader!(.*)/workers/(.*)": "<rootDir>/src/workers/__mocks__/$2"
  9. Create React hook and use it in functional components:


    import createWorker from 'workerize-loader!../workers/spice.worker';
    const spiceWorker = createWorker();
    export const useSpiceWorker = () => spiceWorker;


    import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
    import { useSpiceWorker } from '../hooks/useSpiceWorker';
    export const Component = () => {
      const { tkvrsn_c } = useSpiceWorker();
      const [ver, setVer] = useState();
      useEffect(() => {
        tkvrsn_c('TOOLKIT').then(setVer).catch(({ message }) => setVer(message));
      }, [tkvrsn_c]);
      return <div>{ver || 'Loading...'}</div>;
  10. If you use Storybook:

    Set globalObject to 'this' in Webpack config, e.g. in .storybook/main.js:

    module.exports = {
      webpackFinal: (config) => {
        config.output.globalObject = 'this';
        return config;