


A VS Code extension which provides language support for Logtalk.

Features | Configurations | Bug Reporting

Note before installation

This extension can be installed via extensions viewlet of VS Code or 'Extensions: install extension' command from the command palette. The author notices that it is developed and tested in Logtalk 3.12.0 and VS Code 1.17 on Debian 9.0 (stretch). It's not yet tested under other environments.


Feature descriptions and usages

Syntax highlighting

Indentation, snippets and auto-completion

Note: Relations between entities use choice snippets. 'orel' triggers object relation choices and 'crel' for category. There is only one relation between protocols 'extends', so 'ext' will trigger the snippet.

The snippets for built-ins all are triggered by natural prefix, i.e. ':- public' triggers ':- public()' directive. You needn't to type all charaters to show up the suggestion list.

Refter to the table below for other snippets:

:- objObject
:- catCategory
:- proProtocol
orelrelations between objects(choice)
crelrelations between categories(choice)
extrelations between categories
categoryCategory with protocol
classClass with all
classClass with category
classClass with metaclass
classClass with protocol
categoryComplementing category
categoryExtended category
protocolExtended protocol
instanceInstance with all
instanceInstance with category
instanceInstance with protocol
private(with no arguments)
privatePrivate predicate
protected(with no arguments)
protectedProtected predicate
objectPrototype with all
objectPrototype with category
objectPrototype with parent
objectPrototype with protocol
public(with no arguments)
publicPublic predicate


Grammar linter



Project specified commands

Project specified commands can be triggered from command palette via entering 'logtalk' to pop up the list of all commands of VSC-Logtalk.

CommandDescriptionKey binding
Open LogtalkOpens Logtalk in an integrated terminalalt-x o
Run TestersRuns the logtalk_tester script on the project root directory
Run DocletsRuns the logtalk_doclet script on the project root directory

Source file specified commands

These commands can be triggered from editor/context and explorer/context menus via right click editor area or Logtalk files in explorer area respectively. In explorer context, the file name at which right click occurs will be passed in the command as argument. File specified commands can also be triggered from command palette so that active file name in the editor will be passed in the command.

CommandDescriptionKey binding
Load DocumentLoads the active source file into the Logtalk processF9
Run TestsRuns the tester file under the active source file directory
Run DocletRun the doclet file under the active source file directory
Goto Next/Previous ErrorLocate cursor to the nearest line with error/warning from current cursor location and the corresponding error/warning message displays in output channelF7/shift-F7
Scan Dead CodeScans active file for dead code
Generate DocumentationGenerates documentation for the files under the active source file directory
Generate DiagramsGenerates diagrams for the files under the active source file directory



Bug reporting

Feel free to report bugs or suggestions via issues


Pull requests are welcome.


The author of this extension thanks Professor Paulo Moura who is the author of Logtalk for his patient help and support. Syntax highlighting, some snippets, and some commands are integrated from his distro of Logtalk.
