

<img width="1305" alt="image" src="https://github.com/artem-mangilev/ngx-vflow/assets/53087914/5cbd3669-10a5-4ecb-9a1f-c9ae4eb5fb5a">

ngx-vflow is an Angular library for creating node-based applications. It aims to assist you in building anything from a static diagram to a visual editor. You can utilize the default design or apply your own by customizing everything using familiar technologies.


npm i ngx-vflow --save

Basic Example

The following code describes 3 nodes and creates 2 edges between them.

  template: `<vflow [nodes]="nodes" [edges]="edges" />`,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  standalone: true,
  imports: [VflowModule]
export class DefaultEdgesDemoComponent {
  public nodes: Node[] = [
      id: '1',
      point: { x: 10, y: 200 },
      type: 'default',
      text: '1'
      id: '2',
      point: { x: 200, y: 100 },
      type: 'default',
      text: '2'
      id: '3',
      point: { x: 200, y: 300 },
      type: 'default',
      text: '3'

  public edges: Edge[] = [
      id: '1 -> 2',
      source: '1',
      target: '2'
      id: '1 -> 3',
      source: '1',
      target: '3'

The code above renders to this:

<img width="398" alt="image" src="https://github.com/artem-mangilev/ngx-vflow/assets/53087914/2a1b778a-2bfa-4176-9d50-065fdb1f1dec">

For more complex example you may see the documentation: https://www.ngx-vflow.org/


vflow component API is described here: https://www.ngx-vflow.org/api/ngx-vflow/classes/VflowComponent

Host directives for vflow that you may find helpful:
