<h1 align="center">π¨βπ»CodeArt:art:</h1> <h3 align="center"> <a href="#screenshots">:camera_flash: Screenshots</a> <a href="#installation">:construction: Installation</a> <a href="#update">β¬οΈπ How to update CodeArt</a> <a href="#features">:sparkles: Important features</a> </h3> <div align="center"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="License"> </a> <img src="" alt="Repo size"> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Discord server"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Open issues"> </a> <a href=""> <img src="" alt="Last commit"> </a> </div><a id="installation"></a>
:construction: Install CodeArt easily
please backup any existing configuration files
π§π On linux and macOS:
git clone ~/.config/nvim
chmod +x ~/.config/nvim/installer/
exec ~/.config/nvim/installer/
If you have debian, after the instalation finished you must add debian testing repos and after that run:
sudo apt update; sudo apt install neovim
And after that open neovim and run :PackerSync
and then reopen nevom!
πͺ on Windows:
please backup any existing configuration files
β‘π open a powershell session as administrator and run this command:
git clone $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file $HOME\AppData\Local\nvim\installer\windows.ps1
π²πΊΞ£π₯οΈ Install lsp and treesitter:
- You can install lsp for a language with
:LspInstall <language>
- You can install treesitter with
:TSInstall <language>
These NeoVim configurations use many nerd fonts icons. JetBrains Mono will be installed by default. If you have problem for fonts and see weird icons you must change your terminal font.
<a id="update"></a>
β¬οΈπ How to update CodeArt:
Very important note: Updating CodeArt will replace this github repo configs directory with ~/.config/nvim so if you don't want to lose any existing modifications you've made you must put your modifications into ~/.config/nvim/lua/user_settings.lua on linux and mac, put your configs in C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\nvim\lua\user_settings.lua if you use Windows
- Run
inside NeoVim - Restart NeoVim
- Run
- Restart NeoVim!
<a id="screenshots"></a>
:camera_flash: Screenshots:
:art: Many themes!
<div align="center">Enfocado Tokyonight with storm style Tokyonight with night style Tokyonight with day style Nightfly Moonfly Nord Onedark with dark style Onedark with darker style Onedark with cool style Onedark with deep style Onedark with warm style Onedark with warmer style
</div><a id="features"></a>
:sparkles: Features:
π΄ Lazy load plugins!. With lazy loading NeoVim starts up very fast. It took me around 20 miliseconds on a virtual machine with 4GB ram and 2 Cores
Ξ£π₯οΈ Native LSP code completion support with documentation
π²πΊ Treesitter based code highlighting
π³:card_file_box: NvimTree as file tree
ππ ToggleTerm as built in terminal
π Fuzzy finder
:white_check_mark: TODO viewer
:bookmark: Tag viewer
π€π Whichkey
β Status line with git and lsp indicator + File manager and bufferline lsp indicator