


Confluence is a torrent client as a HTTP service. This allows for easy use from other processes, languages, and machines, due to the ubiquity of HTTP. It makes use of anacrolix/torrent's download-on-demand torrenting, and custom data backend features to store data in a cache. You can then utilize the BitTorrent network with sensible defaults as though it were just regular HTTP.


go get github.com/anacrolix/confluence


$ godo github.com/anacrolix/confluence -h
  confluence [OPTIONS...]
  -addr            (string)          HTTP listen address (Default: localhost:8080)
  -cacheCapacity   (tagflag.Bytes)   Data cache capacity (Default: 11 GB)
  -debugOnMain     (bool)            Expose default serve mux /debug/ endpoints over http
  -dhtPublicIP     (net.IP)          DHT secure IP
  -fileDir         (string)          File-based storage directory, overrides piece storage
  -seed            (bool)            Seed data
  -torrentGrace    (time.Duration)   How long to wait to drop a torrent after its last request (Default: 1m0s)

Confluence will announce itself to DHT, and wait for HTTP activity. Torrents are added to the client as needed. Without an active request on a torrent, it is kicked from the client after the torrent grace period. Its data however may remain in the cache for future uses of that torrent.


There are several routes to interact with torrents: