


A basic web proxy subservice for ArozOS

This project has been seperated as a new piece of software named Zoraxy and WebProxy subservice is no longer maintained.



Build Instruction

git clone this repo in the subservice folder and run build.sh. The following examples assume your arozos root folder is located at ~/arozos

cd `~/arozos/subservice/
git clone https://github.com/aroz-online/webproxy
cd webproxy


Modify config.json.example to fits your needs. The content of the config.json should look like this

  "proxyport": 8081,

You can setup a custom port for your webproxy and modify the whitelist or blacklist website. Here is an example of changing web proxy port to 22382 and blacklist "baidu.com"

  "proxyport": 22382,

After that, you can setup your browser accordingly. Here is an example from Firefox settings.

Go to Options --> Network Settings

Fill in the information of your host accordingly.

If you are unable to connect to the internet after you have set up your web proxy, check the followings.



MIT License