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<p align="center"> <img src="doc/MiP.png" alt="MiP" style="width: 300px"/> </p>

libmip is a library for using WoWWee MiP robots in C++ programs. It has been designed as a lightweight and easy-to-use library. It gives you the possibility to both:

Supported hardware

The library is developed for the original WoWWee MiP.

Supported functionalities

The library wraps all the commands released in the WowWee documentation. The detailed list is copied below.

Chest LED
Clap Enabled
Clap Status
Clap times
Continuous Drive
Current MIP Game Mode
Delay time between two claps
Disconnect App
Distance Drive
Drive backward with Time
Drive forward with Time
Flash Chest LED
Force BLE disconnect
Gesture Detect
Get current MIP Game Mode
Get Mip Hardware Info
Get Mip Software Version
Get Mip Volume
Get Radar Mode
Get User Or Other Eeprom Data
Head LED
IR Control Status
IR Remote Control Enabled
Mip Detected
MIP Detection Mode
Mip Detection Status
Mip Get Up
Mip Hardware Info
Mip Software Version
MIP status
MIP User Or Other Eeprom Data
Mip Volume
Odometer reading
Play Sound
Radar Mode Status
Radar Response
Read Odometer
Receive IR Dongle code
Request Chest LED
Request Clap Enabled
Request Head LED
Request IR Control Enabled
Request MIP Detection Mode
Request MIP status
Request weight update
Reset Odometer
Send IR Dongle code
Set Chest LED
Set Game Mode
Set Gesture Or Radar Mode
Set Head LED
Set Mip Position
Set Mip Volume
Set User Data
Shake Detected
Turn left by Angle
Turn right by Angle
Weight update


LGPL v3 (GNU Lesser General Public License version 3). See LICENCE.


See the AUTHORS file.

How to build the program

See the INSTALL file.

How to use the program

Check out the sample executables in the "samples" folder.

A minimalistic sample using can be:

#include "src/bluetooth_mac2device.h"
#include "src/gattmip.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  GMainLoop *main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
  Mip mip;
  std::string device_mac = (argc >= 2 ? argv[1] : "00:1A:7D:DA:71:11"),
      mip_mac = (argc >= 3 ? argv[2] : "D0:39:72:B7:AF:66");
  if (!mip.connect(main_loop, bluetooth_mac2device(device_mac).c_str(), mip_mac.c_str())) {
    printf("Could not connect with device MAC '%s' to MIP with MAC '%s'!\n",
           device_mac.c_str(), mip_mac.c_str());
    return -1;
  // now the real stuff
  mip.distance_drive(.5, 0);
  return 0;

Or, for doing stuff in the main loop, thanks this link:

int main() {
  GMainLoop *main_loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
  Mip mip;
  mip.connect(main_loop, bluetooth_mac2device(YOUR_DEVICE_MAC).c_str(), YOUR_MIP_MAC);
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // iterate a few times to connect well
    // ... call Mip functions here
  return 0;

Finding the MAC of your BLE device and of your MiP

First determine the MAC address of your BLE device by running: You can obtain the list of devices by running in a terminal

$ hciconfig -a

The Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) devices use Bluetooth 4.0 and can be identified by the line "HCI Version: 4.0" Also note the name of your interface, for instance hci1.

Then obtain the MAC of your robot. Start with resetting Bluetooth (from ubuntu-fr.org) , then perform a LE scan

$ sudo rfkill unblock all
$ sudo hciconfig hci1 up
$ sudo hcitool -i hci1 lescan
D0 :39:72: B7 : AF :66 ( unknown )
D0 :39:72: B7 : AF :66 Bubi


libmip uses the Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE, part of Bluetooth 4.0) protocol for communication with the robot. Your computer might not support it natively, in which case you need to use a BTLE dongle. Underneath, the Bluetooth commands and orders are structured as GATT operations.

The commands are based on the MiP BLE protocol, released by WoWWee. See this link. This implementation wraps C GATT commands, such as gatt_connect() and gatt_write_cmd(). The GATT library is libgatt, it is simply the BlueZ 5.7 GATT/LE code extracted into a library, embedded into the project.

The joystick sample is powered thanks to the joystick project of drewnoakes. It is a minimal C++ object-oriented API onto joystick devices under Linux.