

Markdown to PDF

[!NOTE] Pull requests are welcome!

[!WARNING] This plugin is still very early in its development, so expect bugs and if possible report them here! Thanks and enjoy.

A very simple and easy plugin to convert open markdown files to PDFs and open them it to the side.




Currently you can just put it into lazy or packer and require it at some point.


    branch = 'main', -- you can assume that main is somewhat stable until releases will be made
    lazy = true,
    keys = {
            function() require("md-pdf").convert_md_to_pdf() end,
            desc = "Markdown preview",
    opts = {},


require('md-pdf').setup() -- default options, or
    --- Set margins around document
    margins = "1.5cm",
    -- tango, pygments are quite nice for white on white
    highlight = "tango",
    -- Generate a table of contents, on by default
    toc = true,
    -- Define a custom preview command, enabling hooks and other custom logic
    preview_cmd = function() return 'firefox' end,
    -- if true, then the markdown file is continuously converted on each write, even if the
    -- file viewer closed, e.g., firefox is "closed" once the document is opened in it.
    ignore_viewer_state = false,
    -- Specify font, `nil` uses the default font of the theme
    fonts = nil,
    -- or, where all or only some options can be specified. NOTE: those that are `nil` can be left
    -- out completely
    fonts = {
        main_font = nil,
        sans_font = "DejaVuSans",
        mono_font = "IosevkaTerm Nerd Font Mono",
        math_font = nil,
    -- Custom options passed to `pandoc` CLI call, can be ignored for setup
    pandoc_user_args = nil,
    -- or
    pandoc_user_args = {
        -- short
        "-V KEY[:VALUE]",
        -- long options
    --- Path to output. Needs to be always relative, e.g.: "./", "../", "./out" or simply "out", but
    --- not absolute e.g.: "/"!
    output_path = "",

-- setup mapping
vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>,", function()


[!WARNING] The plugin currently only recognizes the document being open on Zathura.

Tested on Windows 10, MacOS 13, and Linux (Fedora Workstation 38)


I have often found myself wanting to see my markdown files as a PDF, for which I usually created a Makefile which converted the files through pandoc.

After having done it a few times it became repetitive and I thought to myself, why not just create a plugin that does exactly that in my favorite text editor. And tada, here it is! Enjoy :D