<p align="center"> <a target="_blank" href=""> <img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/logo.png" width=128> </a><br> <strong>Armbian Documentation</strong><br> <br> <a href=><img alt="GitHub Workflow Status" src=""></a> </p>Editing
Documentation edition goes in five simple steps.
Step | Description | Visuals |
1. | Open <a href= target="_blank">website</a> and find content you want to change. | <details><summary>Expand</summary><a href=#><img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/edit-icon.png"></a></details> |
2. | When you are done with editing, Commit changes. | <details><summary>Expand</summary><a href=#><img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/commit-changes.png"></a></details> |
3. | Enter title and description of changes you are proposing. Proceed with Propose changes | <details><summary>Expand</summary><a href=#><img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/propose-changes.png"></a></details> |
4. | Following by Create a pull request. | <details><summary>Expand</summary><a href=#><img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/create-pull-reqest.png"></a></details> |
5. | Verify your changes on HTML rendered preview at your pull reqest. | <details><summary>Expand</summary><a href=#><img alt="logo" src="./docs/images/wait-for-preview.png"></a></details> |
Please refer to those instructions