

<p align="center"> <a href="#build-framework"> <img src=".github/armbian-logo.png" alt="Armbian logo" width="144"> </a><br> <strong>Armbian Linux Build Framework</strong><br> <br> <a href=https://github.com/armbian/build/graphs/contributors><img alt="GitHub contributors" src="https://img.shields.io/github/contributors-anon/armbian/build?logo=stackexchange&label=Contributors&style=for-the-badge&branch=main&logoColor=white"></a> <a href=https://github.com/armbian/os><img alt="Artifacts generation" src="https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/armbian/os/complete-artifact-matrix-all.yml?logo=dependabot&label=CI%20Build&style=for-the-badge&branch=main&logoColor=white"></a> <a href=https://github.com/armbian/build/commits/main><img alt="GitHub last commit (branch)" src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/armbian/build/main?logo=github&label=Last%20commit&style=for-the-badge&branch=main&logoColor=white"></a> </p>

What does this project do?

Getting started

Requirements for self hosted

For stable branch use --branch=v24.08

apt-get -y install git
git clone --depth=1 --branch=main https://github.com/armbian/build
cd build

<a href="#how-to-build-an-image-or-a-kernel"><img src=".github/README.gif" alt="Armbian logo" width="100%"></a>

Build parameter examples

Show work-in-progress areas in interactive mode:

./compile.sh EXPERT="yes"

Build minimal CLI Armbian Jammy for Bananapi M5 with LTS kernel:

./compile.sh \
BOARD=bananapim5 \
BRANCH=current \
RELEASE=jammy \

Build with GitHub actions: (advanced version)

name: "Build Armbian"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: armbian/build@main
          armbian_token:     "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"  # GitHub token
          armbian_release:   "jammy"                        # userspace
          armbian_target:    "build"                        # build=image, kernel=kernel
          armbian_board:     "bananapim5"                   # build target

Generated image will be uploaded to your repository release. Note: GitHub upload file limit is 2Gb.

More information:

Download prebuilt images releases



Compared with industry standards

<details><summary>Expand</summary> Check similarities, advantages and disadvantages compared with leading industry standard build software.
Targetgeneral purposeembeddedembedded / IOT
U-boot and kernelcompiled from sourcescompiled from sourcescompiled from sources
Board support maintenance  completeoutsideoutside
Root file systemDebian or Ubuntu basedcustomcustom
Package managerAPTanynone
Initramfs supportyesyesyes
Getting startedquickvery slowslow
Cross compilationyesyesyes

Project structure

├── cache                                Work / cache directory
│   ├── aptcache                         Packages
│   ├── ccache                           C/C++ compiler
│   ├── docker                           Docker last pull
│   ├── git-bare                         Minimal Git
│   ├── git-bundles                      Full Git
│   ├── initrd                           Ram disk
│   ├── memoize                          Git status
│   ├── patch                            Kernel drivers patch
│   ├── pip                              Python
│   ├── rootfs                           Compressed userspaces
│   ├── sources                          Kernel, u-boot and other sources
│   ├── tools                            Additional tools like ORAS
│   └── utility
├── config                               Packages repository configurations
│   ├── targets.conf                     Board build target configuration
│   ├── boards                           Board configurations
│   ├── bootenv                          Initial boot loaders environments per family
│   ├── bootscripts                      Initial Boot loaders scripts per family
│   ├── cli                              CLI packages configurations per distribution
│   ├── desktop                          Desktop packages configurations per distribution
│   ├── distributions                    Distributions settings
│   ├── kernel                           Kernel build configurations per family
│   ├── sources                          Kernel and u-boot sources locations and scripts
│   ├── templates                        User configuration templates which populate userpatches
│   └── torrents                         External compiler and rootfs cache torrents
├── extensions                           Extend build system with specific functionality
├── lib                                  Main build framework libraries
│   ├── functions
│   │   ├── artifacts
│   │   ├── bsp
│   │   ├── cli
│   │   ├── compilation
│   │   ├── configuration
│   │   ├── general
│   │   ├── host
│   │   ├── image
│   │   ├── logging
│   │   ├── main
│   │   └── rootfs
│   └── tools
├── output                               Build artifact
│   └── deb                              Deb packages
│   └── images                           Bootable images - RAW or compressed
│   └── debug                            Patch and build logs
│   └── config                           Kernel configuration export location
│   └── patch                            Created patches location
├── packages                             Support scripts, binary blobs, packages
│   ├── blobs                            Wallpapers, various configs, closed source bootloaders
│   ├── bsp-cli                          Automatically added to armbian-bsp-cli package
│   ├── bsp-desktop                      Automatically added to armbian-bsp-desktopo package
│   ├── bsp                              Scripts and configs overlay for rootfs
│   └── extras-buildpkgs                 Optional compilation and packaging engine
├── patch                                Collection of patches
│   ├── atf                              ARM trusted firmware
│   ├── kernel                           Linux kernel patches
|   |   └── family-branch                Per kernel family and branch
│   ├── misc                             Linux kernel packaging patches
│   └── u-boot                           Universal boot loader patches
|       ├── u-boot-board                 For specific board
|       └── u-boot-family                For entire kernel family
├── tools                                Tools for dealing with kernel patches and configs
└── userpatches                          User: configuration patching area
    ├── lib.config                       User: framework common config/override file
    ├── config-default.conf              User: default user config file
    ├── customize-image.sh               User: script will execute just before closing the image
    ├── atf                              User: ARM trusted firmware
    ├── kernel                           User: Linux kernel per kernel family
    ├── misc                             User: various
    └── u-boot                           User: universal boot loader patches


Want to help?

We always need those volunteering positions:

Just apply and follow!


For commercial or prioritized assistance:

Free support:

Find free support via general project search engine, documentation, community forums or IRC/Discord. Remember that our awesome community members mainly provide this in a best-effort manner, so there are no guaranteed solutions.



Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Armbian!

<a href="https://github.com/armbian/build/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=armbian/build" /> </a>


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Star History Chart


This software is published under the GPL-2.0 License license.