

Useless ZKVM (Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine)

This repository contains a minimalistic and educational Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (ZKVM) implemented using Plonky3. The ZKVM is designed to generate STARK proofs of program execution, providing a simple example for understanding how ZKVMs work.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture Overview
  3. Components
  4. How It Works
  5. Step-by-Step Guide
  6. Conclusion


The Useless ZKVM is a toy implementation designed to:

It utilizes Plonky3 libraries to handle the algebraic and cryptographic operations required for proof generation and verification.

Architecture Overview

1. Virtual Machine (VM)

The VM is a stack-based execution environment. It executes a program consisting of basic arithmetic instructions like:

The VM maintains:

2. AIR (Algebraic Intermediate Representation)

The AIR defines constraints for the VM's execution trace. It ensures that the transitions between states in the trace adhere to the VM's instruction semantics. Each operation (e.g., addition, subtraction) is modeled using polynomial constraints.

3. Trace Generation

The VM outputs an execution trace, which is a sequence of states. Each state captures:

This trace is later extended and padded for compatibility with the STARK proving system.

4. Prover

The prover:

  1. Accepts the execution trace from the VM.
  2. Constructs a STARK proof using the Plonky3 library.
  3. Verifies the proof by checking that the trace satisfies the AIR constraints.


Virtual Machine (VM)

AIR (Algebraic Intermediate Representation)

Trace Generation


How It Works

  1. Program Execution:

    • A sequence of instructions is executed in the VM.
    • The state of the VM is logged after each instruction.
  2. Trace Construction:

    • The VM generates a trace capturing each state transition.
    • The trace is extended and padded to fit STARK requirements.
  3. Proof Generation:

    • The AIR defines constraints that the trace must satisfy.
    • The prover constructs a STARK proof, ensuring the trace adheres to the AIR constraints.
  4. Proof Verification:

    • The proof is verified using the same AIR constraints, guaranteeing the execution's correctness.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Create a Program:

    • Define a sequence of instructions, e.g.:
      let program = vec![
  2. Initialize the VM:

    • Pass the program to the VM:
      let mut vm = VM::new(program);
  3. Run the VM:

    • Execute the program and capture the trace:
  4. Generate the Proof:

    • Use the AIR to construct a proof:
      let vmair = VMAir {};
  5. Verify the Proof:

    • Verify the proof using the same AIR:
      verify(&config, &vmair, &mut challenger, &proof, &vec![]);


The Useless ZKVM demonstrates the core principles of zero-knowledge virtual machines:

This project is an educational tool, not intended for production use, and serves as a stepping stone for understanding the fundamentals of ZKVMs.