

Purified DNS

A DNS forward server offers correct results for both GFW polluted domains and CDN-enabled domains in China.

It does NOT rely on any domain/ip database (e.g. GFWlist, GeoIP etc), maintenance free, highly reliable.


With ruby >= 2.4.2 installed on your system, run the command below in your terminal(*nix) or CMD box:

gem install prdns


Run `prdns -h' for more help

Run as Service


prdns does NOT support DoH nor DoT, so there are three choices for picking an authentic upstream DNS server (-a):

  1. A DNS server outside GFW listen on port other than 53 (currently, only port 53 gets polluted);
  2. There's a trustful route (via Shadowsocks/V2ray/Trojan, etc) accessing a DNS server outside GFW;
  3. A local DNS forward server which supports DoH or DoT, configured with a DoH or DoT enabled upstream DNS server outside GFW.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/arloan/prdns.