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<p align="center"> <img alt="Statsviz Gopher Logo" width="120" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arl/statsviz/readme-docs/logo.png?sanitize=true"> <img alt="statsviz ui" width="450" align="right" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/window.png"> </p> <br/>

Visualize real time plots of your Go program runtime metrics, including heap, objects, goroutines, GC pauses, scheduler and more, in your browser.



Download the latest version:

go get github.com/arl/statsviz@latest

Please note that, as new metrics are added to the /runtime/metrics package, new plots are added to Statsviz. This also means that the presence of some plots on the dashboard depends on the Go version you're using.

When in doubt, use the latest ;-)


Register Statsviz HTTP handlers with your application http.ServeMux.

mux := http.NewServeMux()

go func() {
    log.Println(http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", mux))

Open your browser at http://localhost:8080/debug/statsviz

Advanced Usage

If you want more control over Statsviz HTTP handlers, examples are:

then use statsviz.NewServer to obtain a Server instance. Both the Index() and Ws() methods return http.HandlerFunc.

srv, err := statsviz.NewServer(); // Create server or handle error
srv.Index()                       // UI (dashboard) http.HandlerFunc
srv.Ws()                          // Websocket http.HandlerFunc

Please look at examples of usage in the Examples directory.

How Does That Work?

statsviz.Register registers 2 HTTP handlers within the given http.ServeMux:

Data points are in a browser-side circular-buffer.



Check out the API reference on pkg.go.dev.

User interface

Controls at the top of the page act on all plots:

<img alt="menu" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/menu-002.png">

On top of each plot there are 2 icons:

<img alt="menu" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/plot.menu-001.png">


Depending on your go version, some plots may not be available.

Heap (global)

<img width="50%" alt="heap-global" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/heap-global.png">

Heap (details)

<img width="50%" alt="heap-details" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/heap-details.png">

Live Objects in Heap

<img width="50%" alt="live-objects" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/live-objects.png">

Live Bytes in Heap

<img width="50%" alt="live-bytes" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/live-bytes.png">


<img width="50%" alt="mspan-mcache" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/mspan-mcache.png">

Memory classes

<img width="50%" alt="memory-classes" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/memory-classes.png">


<img width="50%" alt="goroutines" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/goroutines.png">

Size Classes

<img width="50%" alt="size-classes" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/size-classes.png">

GC Scan

<img width="50%" alt="gc-scan" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/gc-scan.png">

GC Cycles

<img width="50%" alt="gc-cycles" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/gc-cycles.png">

Stop-the-world Pause Latencies

<img width="50%" alt="gc-pauses" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/gc-pauses.png">

CPU Classes (GC)

<img width="50%" alt="cpu-classes-gc" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/cpu-classes-gc.png">

Time Goroutines Spend in 'Runnable' state

<img width="50%" alt="runnable-time" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/runnable-time.png">

Time Goroutines Spend Blocked on Mutexes

<img width="50%" alt="mutex-wait" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/mutex-wait.png">

Starting Size of Goroutines Stacks

<img width="50%" alt="gc-stack-size" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/gc-stack-size.png">

Goroutine Scheduling Events

<img width="50%" alt="sched-events" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/sched-events.png">

CGO Calls

<img width="50%" alt="cgo" src="https://github.com/arl/statsviz/raw/readme-docs/runtime-metrics/cgo.png">

User Plots

Since v0.6 you can add your own plots to Statsviz dashboard, in order to easily visualize your application metrics next to runtime metrics.

Please see the userplots example.


Check out the _example directory to see various ways to use Statsviz, such as:

Questions / Troubleshooting

Either use GitHub's discussions or come to say hi and ask a live question on #statsviz channel on Gopher's slack.


Please use issues for bugs and feature requests.
Pull-requests are always welcome!
More details in CONTRIBUTING.md.



License: MIT