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The Argon Programming Language

This is the main repository for Argon language. It contains interpreter and builtins libraries.

What's Argon

Argon is an interpreted multi-paradigm programming language. Its syntax is influenced by many modern languages and aims to be elegant, clean and simple to use.

import "enum"
import "io"

let NOBLE_GAS = ["Helium", "Neon", "Argon", "Krypton", "Xenon"]

var group_by_name_length = enum.group_by(len)

    |> group_by_name_length
    |> io.print

/* {6: [Helium], 4: [Neon], 5: [Argon, Xenon], 7: [Krypton]} */

🚀 Quick start

The wiki is under development, you can view the current version here: wiki

If you are looking for examples, you can find them here: examples

A good way to start could also be to take a look at Argon's built-in modules here

🛠️ Installing from source

Platform / Architecturex86x86_64ARMApple silicon
Windows (7, 8, 10, ...)??????

The Argon build system uses a simple cmake file to build the interpreter.

Building on Unix-like os

  1. Make sure you have installed the following dependences:
  1. Clone the sources with git:
git clone https://github.com/ArgonLang/Argon
cd argon
  1. Build:
cmake .

When completed, Argon and related libraries will placed in bin/ directory.

N.B: At present there are no installation steps.

Building on Windows

Building Argon on Windows environment requires Visual Studio, or the Microsoft Build Tools. You can download and install the tool of your choice from the Microsoft Visual Studio page.

  1. Install Visual Studio / Microsoft Build Tools.
  2. From Windows start menu, open Developer Command Prompt and go to the Argon root folder:
    cd %path_of_Argon_folder%
  1. Execute build.bat to start compilation.

If you preferred to install Visual Studio, you can import the CMake project directly into visual studio. To do this, open Visual Studio and press continue without code in the welcome window that opens before the IDE. From IDE menu, select File > Open > CMake... and open the CMakeLists.txt file, ignore the CMake Overview Page that might open and from the top bar select Argon.exe as start up item, select the configuration of interest (Debug / Release) and start the compilation through the play button(or press F5 key).

⚠️ Tested with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.

‼️ Notes

Argon is under active development, so many features are not yet active or available, a list (certainly not exhaustive) of the missing features is the following:

🤝 Contributing

If you're interested, there are several ways you can contribute:

For technical details, refer to the contributing guidelines.


Argon is primarily distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0).