

Natural Language Dates in Obsidian

Insert timestamps and cross-link your daily notes with the flexibility of natural language. NLDates provides a suite of tools that makes working with dates and times within Obsidian frictionless.


If a date is not recognized, the link won't be created.

Date Autosuggest

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/693981/116645561-1d565700-a944-11eb-9166-f55e72dc65bc.gif" alt="autosuggest-demo" width="500" />

Expand dates using natural language inline within the editor view.

Typing @today <kbd>Enter</kbd> will automatically be expanded to the current date. Press <kbd>Shift</kbd> at the same time to keep the input text as an alias (e.g. @today[[202112-27|today]]).


Enable/DisableA global toggle to enable or disable the autosuggestEnabled
Trigger phraseCharacter(s) required to open the autosuggest@
Insert as link?Dates will be inserted as wikilinks (i.e. [[<date>]])Yes

nldates URI Action

It's now possible to use the Obsidian URI to open daily notes using natural language by using the nldates action obsidian://nldates?day=<date here>. Don't forget to encode space characters appropriately.

obsidian://nldates ParameterDescription
daynatural language date string
newPaneopen note in new pane, default is yes

Commands and Hotkeys

nldates adds a few commands to work with dates in natural language. You can add custom hotkeys for them by going to Settings > Hotkeys and filtering by Natural Language Dates (Note that hotkeys are unset by default starting on v0.4.1).

Natural Language Dates: Date Picker

<img src="assets/date-picker.png" alt="date-picker" width="400" />

Opens the date picker menu

Other Commands

Insert current dateInserts the current date, using the format specified in the settings menuYYYY-MM-DD
Insert current timeInserts the current time, using the format specified in the settings menuHH:mm
Insert current date and timeInserts the current date, using the format specified in the settings menuYYYY-MM-DD HH:mm
Parse natural language dateParses the selected text as a natural language date. Replaces selected text with an obsidian link to the parsed date in the format specified in the settings menu. <br /><br />For single-word dates (e.g. today, tomorrow, friday, etc.), it's possible to use the command without selecting the word first. It's also possible to use dates like Nov9, 25Dec to use this trick.[[YYYY-MM-DD]]
Parse natural language timeParses the selected text as a natural language time. Replaces selected text with the parsed time stamp in the format specified in the settings menu. You can try with any of the standard times, i.e. now, in 15min, in 1h, 5min ago, etc.HH:mm
Parse natural language date (as link)Parses the selected text as a natural language date. Replaces selected text with a standard markdown link to the parsed date in the format specified in the settings menu[selected text](YYYY-MM-DD)
Parse natural language date (as plain text)Parses the selected text as a natural language date. Replaces selected text with a plain text parsed date in the format specified in the settings menuYYYY-MM-DD

Note: You can of course add hotkeys to each of these commands.



The parser supports most date/time formats, including:


<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5426039/89716767-1d768700-d9b0-11ea-99cf-b3bb6846a872.gif" alt="demo" style="zoom:60%;" />

Note: The parser will replace all the selected text, meaning that in a sentence you should only select the dates to be parsed and not the full sentence.
In the example sentence Do this thing by tomorrow, only the word tomorrow should be selected. Alternatively, keep in mind that you can place your cursor on or next to the word tomorrow, and it will be replaced:

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5426039/98358876-a640a580-2027-11eb-8efc-015362a94321.gif" alt="Supported selections" style="zoom:80%;" />

How to install

In Obsidian go to Settings > Third-party plugins > Community Plugins > Browse and search for Natural Language Dates.

Manual installation

Unzip the latest release into your <vault>/.obsidian/plugins/ folder.


Powered by the chrono library and some custom parsing.

Custom Parsing

The only behaviours I changed were the following:

next weeknext Monday
next [month]1st of next month
mid [month]15th of the month
end of [month]last day of the month

For Developers

NLDates provides an interface for you to parse natural language dates in your plugin. The parsedDate() function is available on the NaturalLanguageDates plugin instance. It has the following signature:

interface NLDResult {
  formattedString: string;
  date: Date;
  moment: Moment;

function parseDate(date: string): NLDResult;

Example Usage

const nldatesPlugin = obsidianApp.plugins.getPlugin("nldates-obsidian");
const parsedResult = nldatesPlugin.parseDate("next year");
console.log(parsedResult.moment.format("YYYY")); // This should return 2021

Typical String Formats and Tokens

YYYY20144 or 2 digit year. Note: Only 4 digit can be parsed on strict mode
YY142 digit year
Y-25Year with any number of digits and sign
Q1..4Quarter of year. Sets month to first month in quarter.
M MM1..12Month number
MMM MMMMJan..DecemberMonth name in locale set by moment.locale()
D DD1..31Day of month
Do1st..31stDay of month with ordinal
DDD DDDD1..365Day of year
X1410715640.579Unix timestamp
x1410715640579Unix ms timestamp
gggg2014Locale 4 digit week year
gg14Locale 2 digit week year
w ww1..53Locale week of year
e0..6Locale day of week
ddd ddddMon...SundayDay name in locale set by moment.locale()
GGGG2014ISO 4 digit week year
GG14ISO 2 digit week year
W WW1..53ISO week of year
E1..7ISO day of week

For further information, see: moment.js docs.

Manipulating the moment instance

If you need, you can further manipulate or format the moment object, for example:

const nldatesPlugin = obsidianApp.plugins.getPlugin("nldates-obsidian");
const nextYear = nldatesPlugin.parseDate("next year");

console.log(nextYear.moment.format("YYYY")); // This should return 2021
console.log(nextYear.moment.fromNow()); // "In two months"

const thisEvening = nldatesPlugin.parseDate("today at 21:00");
console.log(thisEvening.moment.add(1, "hour")); // This would change the Moment to 22:00

Note that if you manipulate the parsedResult.moment, the date and formattedString won't be updated. If you don't want to alter the parsedResult.moment, you should clone it. Read more about that on the moment.js docs site.