

CircleCI Coverage Status Documentation

PGX is a pure-OCaml PostgreSQL client library, supporting Async, LWT, or synchronous operations.

This library focuses on correctness and safety, with features like:

We also provide a relatively high-level interface, like Pgx_async.execute_pipe, which prepares a statement, executes it with the given parameters, returns an Async.Pipe.Reader.t (so you can stream results), and unprepares the statement when the query is finished.

Significant portions of the code come from PG'Ocaml.


opam install pgx_async # or pgx_lwt_unix or pgx_unix or pgx_lwt_mirage


See pgx_async/bin/pgx_async_example.ml for a complete example of the high-level functional interface. To translate the example to Lwt, replace Pgx_async with Pgx_lwt and >>| with >|=. To translate it to synchronous IO / standard-library-only, use Pgx_unix and replace both >>| and >>= with |>, or just replace >>| fun () -> with ;.

I.e. in Pgx_unix, you can replace:

Pgx_async.execute ~params "INSERT INTO ..."
>>| fun () ->

... with:

Pgx_unix.execute ~params "INSERT INTO ...";