

Ardillo Examples

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This repository contains examples of how to use the Ardillo framework.


Before proceeding, make sure the Ardillo extension is built and installed.

Then, clone this repository and install its dependencies: composer install, and you're ready to go!


Ardillo Table Gallery

A program which showcases the various table columns offered by Ardillo. Source code is available here.

Run it with ./bin/tablegallery (or php bin\tablegallery on Windows).

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-tablegallery-combo.gif" alt="Ardillo Table Gallery" class="width-full">

Ardillo CSV Editor

A simple CSV editor that allows you to load, edit and save CSV files.

Run it with ./bin/csvedit (or php bin\csvedit on Windows). Source code is available here.

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-csvedit-combo.gif" alt="Ardillo CSV Editor" class="width-full">

Ardillo DNS Client

A DNS client that allows you to query DNS servers for various records. Source code is available here.

Run it with ./bin/dns (or php bin\dns on Windows).

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-dns-combo.gif" alt="Ardillo DNS Client" class="width-full">

Ardillo Histogram

A program rendering a histogram chart using ten random (but adjustable) data points. Source code is available here.

Run it with ./bin/histogram (or php bin\histogram on Windows).

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-histogram-combo.gif" alt="Ardillo Histogram" class="width-full">

Ardillo Clock

An analogue clock that shows the current time.

Run it with ./bin/clock (or php bin\clock on Windows). Source code is available here.

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-clock-combo.png" alt="Ardillo Clock" class="width-full">

Ardillo Starfield

A simple starfield simulation. Source code is available here.

Run it with ./bin/starfield (or php bin\starfield on Windows).

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-starfield-combo.png" alt="Ardillo Starfield" class="width-full">

Ardillo Snake Game

An implementation of the classic Snake game. Source code is available here.

Run it with ./bin/snake (or php bin\snake on Windows).

<img loading="lazy" src="https://raw.github.com/ardillo-php/examples/master/shots/ardillo-snake-combo.png" alt="Ardillo Snake Game" class="width-full">

Static Analysis

This repository is scanned for bugs by Psalm and PHPStan. You can run these tools locally by executing composer phpstan and composer psalm respectively.


This repository is licensed under the MIT license.


Bug reports (and small patches) can be submitted via the issue tracker. Forking the repository and submitting a Pull Request is preferred for substantial patches. Please be sure to read and comply with the Contributing Terms document before proceeding.