

Linked Data Theatre

The Linked Data Theatre (LDT) is a platform for an optimal presentation of Linked Data.

Installation and usage

The easiest way to use the LDT is to install the latest release in a Tomcat container, by following the instructions in DEPLOY.md:

NB: Users that upgrade from version 1.17.0 or lower: from version 1.18.0 the LDT can work with any triplestore via the RDF4J interface. You might need to change your configuration a bit. Please look at DEPLOY.md, sections 4.3 and 4.4.2 for further instructions.

NB: Users that upgrade from version 1.9.0 or lower: the config.xml has changed with release 1.10.0. Please make sure that a <date/> entry exists after the upgrade!

The Linked Data Theatre uses a configuration graph containing all the triples that make up the LDT configuration. Instructions and examples how to create such a configuration can be found at the wiki. A basic-configuration is provided to get you started.

The wiki contains a tutorial to guide you through the most common features of the Theatre.

Build it yourself, linux and docker installations

See BUILD.md for instructions to build the Linked Data Theatre yourself. To deploy the Linked Data Theatre in a Tomcat container, follow the instructions in DEPLOY.md. A step-by-step installation guide for Linux is also available: LINUX_SETUP.md. You can also opt for a docker installation, see DOCKER.md.

Advanced installation - production settings