

Contrastive Deep Supervision

This is the code for contrastive deep supervision and distilled contrastive deep supervision.


Install the based packages for training.

pip install torch torchvision
Contrastive Deep Supervision on CIFAR
python train.py --model=$model name$ 

$model name$ is the choice of student models, including [resnet18 | resnet50 | resnet101 | resnet152 ]

Distilled Contrastive Deep Supervision on CIFAR

Before applying distilled contrastive deep supervision, you should first train a teacher model with contrastive deep supervision. Taking ResNet152 teacher as an example, you should run

python train.py --model=resnet152 

Then, train the students with the following script.

python distill.py --model=$student name$ --teacher=$teacher name$ --teacher_path=$teacher checkpoint path$

$student name$ is the choice of student models, including [resnet18 | resnet50 | resnet101 | resnet152 ]. $teacher name$ is the choice of teacher models, including [resnet18 | resnet50 | resnet101 | resnet152]. $teacher checkpoint path$ is the path of teacher checkpoint. Note that the teacher should be trained with contrastive deep supervision.

Experiments on ImageNet

Please refer to the run.sh file in the folder to perform contrastive deep supervision and distilled contrastive deep supervision on ImageNet experiments. Note that you should train a teacher model before applying knowledge distillation.