CrystalData is a storage engine for C#
Very versatile and easy to use.
Covers a wide range of storage needs.
Full serialization features integrated with Tinyhand and ValueLink.
Table of Contents
Visual Studio 2022 or later.
Quick start
Install CrystalData using Package Manager Console.
Install-Package CrystalData
This is a small example code to use CrystalData.
// First, create a class to represent the data content.
[TinyhandObject] // Annotate TinyhandObject attribute to make this class serializable.
public partial class FirstData
[Key(0)] // The key attribute specifies the index at serialization
public int Id { get; set; }
[DefaultValue("Hoge")] // The default value for the name property.
public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public override string ToString()
=> $"Id: {this.Id}, Name: {this.Name}";
// Create a builder to organize dependencies and register data configurations.
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
.ConfigureCrystal(context =>
// Register FirstData configuration.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // The timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // The format is utf8 text.
NumberOfFileHistories = 0, // No history file.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SimpleExample/SimpleData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
var unit = builder.Build(); // Build.
var crystalizer = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Crystalizer>(); // Obtains a Crystalizer instance for data storage operations.
await crystalizer.PrepareAndLoadAll(false); // Prepare resources for storage operations and read data from files.
var data = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<FirstData>(); // Retrieve a data instance from the service provider.
Console.WriteLine($"Load {data.ToString()}"); // Id: 0 Name: Hoge
data.Id = 1;
data.Name = "Fuga";
Console.WriteLine($"Save {data.ToString()}"); // Id: 1 Name: Fuga
await crystalizer.SaveAll(); // Save all data.
CrystalData is designed to cover a really wide range of storage needs.
// From a quite simple class for data storage...
public partial record SimpleExample
public SimpleExample()
public string UserName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
// To a complex class designed for handling large-scale data in terms of both quantity and capacity.
[TinyhandObject(Structual = true)]
[ValueLinkObject(Isolation = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead)]
public partial record AdvancedExample
{// This is it. This class is the crystal of the most advanced data management architecture I've reached so far.
public static void Register(ICrystalUnitContext context)
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Binary,
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Periodic,
SaveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
FileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("AdvancedExampleMain.tinyhand"),
BackupFileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("AdvancedExampleBackup.tinyhand"),
StorageConfiguration = new SimpleStorageConfiguration(
new GlobalDirectoryConfiguration("MainStorage"),
new GlobalDirectoryConfiguration("BackupStorage")),
NumberOfFileHistories = 2,
context.TrySetJournal(new SimpleJournalConfiguration(new S3DirectoryConfiguration("TestBucket", "Journal")));
public AdvancedExample()
[Key(0, AddProperty = "Id", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
[Link(Unique = true, Primary = true, Type = ChainType.Unordered)]
private int id;
[Key(1, AddProperty = "Name")]
[Link(Type = ChainType.Ordered)]
private string name = string.Empty;
[Key(2, AddProperty = "Child", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
private StorageData<AdvancedExample> child = new();
[Key(3, AddProperty = "Children", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
private StorageData<AdvancedExample.GoshujinClass> children = new();
[Key(4, AddProperty = "ByteArray", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
private StorageData<byte[]> byteArray = new();
By assigning a CrystalConfiguration to the data class, you can specify the timing, format of data save, the number of history files, and the file path.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
Timing of data persistence
Data persistence is a core feature of CrystalData and its timing is critical. There are several options for when to save data. The following code is for preparation.
[TinyhandObject(Journaling = true)] // Journaling feature is necessary to allow the function to save data when properties are changed.
public partial class SaveTimingData
[Key(0, AddProperty = "Id")] // Add a property to save data when the value is changed.
internal int id;
public override string ToString()
=> $"Id: {this.Id}";
var crystal = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICrystal<SaveTimingData>>();
var data = crystal.Data;
Save manually
Save the data manually after it has been changed, and wait until the save process is complete.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
// Save manually += 1;
await crystal.Save();
On changed
When data is changed, it is registered in the save queue and will be saved in a second.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.OnChanged,
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
// Add to the save queue when the value is changed
data.Id += 2;
// Alternative += 2;
By setting SavePolicy to Periodic in CrystalConfiguration, data can be saved at regular intervals.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Periodic, // Data will be saved at regular intervals.
SaveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), // The interval at which data is saved.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
When exiting the application
Add the following code to save all data and release resources when the application exits.
await unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Crystalizer>().SaveAllAndTerminate();
Data is volatile and not saved.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Volatile,
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
Timing of configuration and instantiation
Builder pattern
Create a CrystalControl.Builder and register Data using the ConfigureCrystal() and AddCrystal() methods. As Data is registered in the DI container, it can be easily used.
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
.Configure(context =>
.ConfigureCrystal(context =>
// Register SimpleData configuration.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
var unit = builder.Build(); // Build.
public class ConfigurationExampleClass
public ConfigurationExampleClass(Crystalizer crystalizer, FirstData firstData)
this.crystalizer = crystalizer;
this.firstData = firstData;
Create an ICrystal object using the Crystalizer.
// Get or create an ICrystal interface of the data.
var crystal = this.crystalizer.GetOrCreateCrystal<SecondData>(
new CrystalConfiguration(
new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/ConfigurationTimingExample/SecondData.tinyhand")));
var secondData = crystal.Data;
// You can create multiple crystals from single data class.
var crystal2 = this.crystalizer.CreateCrystal<SecondData>(
new CrystalConfiguration(
new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/ConfigurationTimingExample/SecondData2.tinyhand")));
var secondData2 = crystal2.Data;
Specifying the path
You can set the path to save the data by specifying the FileConfiguration of CrystalConfiguration.
The path can be a basic local absolute path, a relative path, or an AWS S3 path.
new CrystalConfiguration()
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
Local path
If a relative path is specified, it combines the root directory of Crystalizer with the path to create an absolute path.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/PathExample/FirstData.tinyhand"),
The absolute path will be used as is.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("C:\\Local/PathExample/FirstData.tinyhand"),
Global path
When specifying GlobalFileConfiguration, the path will be combined with GlobalDirectory of CrystalizerOptions to create an absolute path.
FileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("Global/FirstData.tinyhand"),
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
.ConfigureCrystal(context =>
.SetupOptions<CrystalizerOptions>((context, options) =>
{// You can change the root directory of the CrystalData by modifying CrystalizerOptions.
context.GetOptions<UnitOptions>(out var unitOptions);// Get the application root directory.
if (unitOptions is not null)
// options.RootPath = Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "Additional"); // Root directory
options.GlobalDirectory = new LocalDirectoryConfiguration(Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "Global")); // Global directory
You can also save data on AWS S3. Please enter authentication information using IStorageKey.
FileConfiguration = new S3FileConfiguration(BucketName, "Test/FirstData.tinyhand"),
if (AccessKeyPair.TryParse(KeyPair, out var accessKeyPair))
{// AccessKeyId=SecretAccessKey
unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IStorageKey>().AddKey(BucketName, accessKeyPair);
By setting up a backup configuration, you can recover data from the backup file even if the main file is lost.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
NumberOfFileHistories = 3,
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/BackupExample/BackupData.tinyhand"),
// Specify the location to save the backup files individually.
BackupFileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/BackupExample/Backup/BackupData.tinyhand"),
.SetupOptions<CrystalizerOptions>((context, options) =>
context.GetOptions<UnitOptions>(out var unitOptions);// Get the application root directory.
if (unitOptions is not null)
// When you set DefaultBackup, the backup for all data (for which BackupFileConfiguration has not been specified individually) will be saved in the directory.
options.DefaultBackup = new LocalDirectoryConfiguration(Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "DefaultBackup"));
The process of loading data is as follows:
- Load the main file.
- If it fails, load the backup file.
- If there are history files (main or backup), load the latest history file.
- When journaling is enabled (detailed later), load the Journal to update to the most recent data.
By performing the above processes, CrystalData tries to minimize data loss.
CrystalData offers a limited journaling feature to enhance data durability.
The goal is to minimize data loss in the event of a failure, reducing potential loss from one hour to one second.
Here is an example class.
[TinyhandObject(Structual = true)] // Enable the journaling feature.
[ValueLinkObject] // You can use ValuLink to handle a collection of objects.
public partial class JournalData
[Key(0, AddProperty = "Id")] // Additional property is required.
[Link(Primary = true, Unique = true, Type = ChainType.Unordered)]
private int id;
[Key(1, AddProperty = "Name")]
private string name = string.Empty;
[Key(2, AddProperty = "Count")]
private int count;
public JournalData()
public JournalData(int id, string name)
{ = id; = name;
public override string ToString()
=> $"Id: {}, Name: {}, Count: {this.count}";
To use the journal feature, please set NumberOfFileHistories to greater than or equal to 1 in CrystalConfiguration and configure the journal with context.SetJournal()
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
.ConfigureCrystal(context =>
// Register SimpleData configuration.
new CrystalConfiguration()
SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
NumberOfFileHistories = 1, // The journaling feature is integrated with file history (snapshots), so please set it to 1 or more.
FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/JournalExample/JournalData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
context.SetJournal(new SimpleJournalConfiguration(new LocalDirectoryConfiguration("Local/JournalExample/Journal")));