

CrystalData is a storage engine for C#

Nuget Build and Test

Table of Contents


Visual Studio 2022 or later.

Quick start

Install CrystalData using Package Manager Console.

Install-Package CrystalData

This is a small example code to use CrystalData.

// First, create a class to represent the data content.
[TinyhandObject] // Annotate TinyhandObject attribute to make this class serializable.
public partial class FirstData
    [Key(0)] // The key attribute specifies the index at serialization
    public int Id { get; set; }

    [DefaultValue("Hoge")] // The default value for the name property.
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;

    public override string ToString()
        => $"Id: {this.Id}, Name: {this.Name}";
// Create a builder to organize dependencies and register data configurations.
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
    .ConfigureCrystal(context =>
        // Register FirstData configuration.
            new CrystalConfiguration()
                SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // The timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
                SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // The format is utf8 text.
                NumberOfFileHistories = 0, // No history file.
                FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SimpleExample/SimpleData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

var unit = builder.Build(); // Build.
var crystalizer = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Crystalizer>(); // Obtains a Crystalizer instance for data storage operations.
await crystalizer.PrepareAndLoadAll(false); // Prepare resources for storage operations and read data from files.

var data = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<FirstData>(); // Retrieve a data instance from the service provider.

Console.WriteLine($"Load {data.ToString()}"); // Id: 0 Name: Hoge
data.Id = 1;
data.Name = "Fuga";
Console.WriteLine($"Save {data.ToString()}"); // Id: 1 Name: Fuga

await crystalizer.SaveAll(); // Save all data.


CrystalData is designed to cover a really wide range of storage needs.

// From a quite simple class for data storage...
public partial record SimpleExample
    public SimpleExample()

    public string UserName { get; set; } = string.Empty;

// To a complex class designed for handling large-scale data in terms of both quantity and capacity.
[TinyhandObject(Structual = true)]
[ValueLinkObject(Isolation = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead)]
public partial record AdvancedExample
{// This is it. This class is the crystal of the most advanced data management architecture I've reached so far.
    public static void Register(ICrystalUnitContext context)
                SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Binary,
                SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Periodic,
                SaveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
                FileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("AdvancedExampleMain.tinyhand"),
                BackupFileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("AdvancedExampleBackup.tinyhand"),
                StorageConfiguration = new SimpleStorageConfiguration(
                    new GlobalDirectoryConfiguration("MainStorage"),
                    new GlobalDirectoryConfiguration("BackupStorage")),
                NumberOfFileHistories = 2,

        context.TrySetJournal(new SimpleJournalConfiguration(new S3DirectoryConfiguration("TestBucket", "Journal")));

    public AdvancedExample()

    [Key(0, AddProperty = "Id", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
    [Link(Unique = true, Primary = true, Type = ChainType.Unordered)]
    private int id;

    [Key(1, AddProperty = "Name")]
    [Link(Type = ChainType.Ordered)]
    private string name = string.Empty;

    [Key(2, AddProperty = "Child", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
    private StorageData<AdvancedExample> child = new();

    [Key(3, AddProperty = "Children", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
    private StorageData<AdvancedExample.GoshujinClass> children = new();

    [Key(4, AddProperty = "ByteArray", PropertyAccessibility = PropertyAccessibility.GetterOnly)]
    private StorageData<byte[]> byteArray = new();


By assigning a CrystalConfiguration to the data class, you can specify the timing, format of data save, the number of history files, and the file path.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
        SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
        NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

Timing of data persistence

Data persistence is a core feature of CrystalData and its timing is critical. There are several options for when to save data. The following code is for preparation.

[TinyhandObject(Journaling = true)] // Journaling feature is necessary to allow the function to save data when properties are changed.
public partial class SaveTimingData
    [Key(0, AddProperty = "Id")] // Add a property to save data when the value is changed.
    internal int id;

    public override string ToString()
        => $"Id: {this.Id}";
var crystal = unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ICrystal<SaveTimingData>>();
var data = crystal.Data;

Save manually

Save the data manually after it has been changed, and wait until the save process is complete.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
// Save manually
data.id += 1;
await crystal.Save();

On changed

When data is changed, it is registered in the save queue and will be saved in a second.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        SavePolicy = SavePolicy.OnChanged,
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.
// Add to the save queue when the value is changed
data.Id += 2;

// Alternative
data.id += 2;


By setting SavePolicy to Periodic in CrystalConfiguration, data can be saved at regular intervals.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Periodic, // Data will be saved at regular intervals.
        SaveInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), // The interval at which data is saved.
        SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
        NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

When exiting the application

Add the following code to save all data and release resources when the application exits.

await unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<Crystalizer>().SaveAllAndTerminate();


Data is volatile and not saved.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Volatile,
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/SaveTimingExample/SaveTimingData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

Timing of configuration and instantiation

Builder pattern

Create a CrystalControl.Builder and register Data using the ConfigureCrystal() and AddCrystal() methods. As Data is registered in the DI container, it can be easily used.

var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
    .Configure(context =>
    .ConfigureCrystal(context =>
        // Register SimpleData configuration.
            new CrystalConfiguration()
                SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
                SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
                NumberOfHistoryFiles = 0, // No history file.
                FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

var unit = builder.Build(); // Build.
public class ConfigurationExampleClass
    public ConfigurationExampleClass(Crystalizer crystalizer, FirstData firstData)
        this.crystalizer = crystalizer;
        this.firstData = firstData;


Create an ICrystal object using the Crystalizer.

// Get or create an ICrystal interface of the data.
var crystal = this.crystalizer.GetOrCreateCrystal<SecondData>(
    new CrystalConfiguration(
        new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/ConfigurationTimingExample/SecondData.tinyhand")));
var secondData = crystal.Data;

// You can create multiple crystals from single data class.
var crystal2 = this.crystalizer.CreateCrystal<SecondData>(
    new CrystalConfiguration(
        new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/ConfigurationTimingExample/SecondData2.tinyhand")));
var secondData2 = crystal2.Data;

Specifying the path

You can set the path to save the data by specifying the FileConfiguration of CrystalConfiguration.

The path can be a basic local absolute path, a relative path, or an AWS S3 path.

    new CrystalConfiguration()
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/FirstExample/FirstData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

Local path

If a relative path is specified, it combines the root directory of Crystalizer with the path to create an absolute path.

FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/PathExample/FirstData.tinyhand"),

The absolute path will be used as is.

FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("C:\\Local/PathExample/FirstData.tinyhand"),

Global path

When specifying GlobalFileConfiguration, the path will be combined with GlobalDirectory of CrystalizerOptions to create an absolute path.

FileConfiguration = new GlobalFileConfiguration("Global/FirstData.tinyhand"),
var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
    .ConfigureCrystal(context =>
    .SetupOptions<CrystalizerOptions>((context, options) =>
    {// You can change the root directory of the CrystalData by modifying CrystalizerOptions.
        context.GetOptions<UnitOptions>(out var unitOptions);// Get the application root directory.
        if (unitOptions is not null)
            // options.RootPath = Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "Additional"); // Root directory
            options.GlobalDirectory = new LocalDirectoryConfiguration(Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "Global")); // Global directory


You can also save data on AWS S3. Please enter authentication information using IStorageKey.

FileConfiguration = new S3FileConfiguration(BucketName, "Test/FirstData.tinyhand"),
if (AccessKeyPair.TryParse(KeyPair, out var accessKeyPair))
{// AccessKeyId=SecretAccessKey
    unit.Context.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IStorageKey>().AddKey(BucketName, accessKeyPair);


By setting up a backup configuration, you can recover data from the backup file even if the main file is lost.

        SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
        NumberOfFileHistories = 3,
        FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/BackupExample/BackupData.tinyhand"),

        // Specify the location to save the backup files individually.
        BackupFileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/BackupExample/Backup/BackupData.tinyhand"),
.SetupOptions<CrystalizerOptions>((context, options) =>
    context.GetOptions<UnitOptions>(out var unitOptions);// Get the application root directory.
    if (unitOptions is not null)
        // When you set DefaultBackup, the backup for all data (for which BackupFileConfiguration has not been specified individually) will be saved in the directory.
        options.DefaultBackup = new LocalDirectoryConfiguration(Path.Combine(unitOptions.RootDirectory, "DefaultBackup"));

The process of loading data is as follows:

  1. Load the main file.
  2. If it fails, load the backup file.
  3. If there are history files (main or backup), load the latest history file.
  4. When journaling is enabled (detailed later), load the Journal to update to the most recent data.

By performing the above processes, CrystalData tries to minimize data loss.


CrystalData offers a limited journaling feature to enhance data durability.

The goal is to minimize data loss in the event of a failure, reducing potential loss from one hour to one second.

Here is an example class.

[TinyhandObject(Structual = true)] // Enable the journaling feature.
[ValueLinkObject] // You can use ValuLink to handle a collection of objects.
public partial class JournalData
    [Key(0, AddProperty = "Id")] // Additional property is required.
    [Link(Primary = true, Unique = true, Type = ChainType.Unordered)]
    private int id;

    [Key(1, AddProperty = "Name")]
    private string name = string.Empty;

    [Key(2, AddProperty = "Count")]
    private int count;

    public JournalData()

    public JournalData(int id, string name)
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;

    public override string ToString()
        => $"Id: {this.id}, Name: {this.name}, Count: {this.count}";

To use the journal feature, please set NumberOfFileHistories to greater than or equal to 1 in CrystalConfiguration and configure the journal with context.SetJournal().

var builder = new CrystalControl.Builder()
    .ConfigureCrystal(context =>
        // Register SimpleData configuration.
            new CrystalConfiguration()
                SavePolicy = SavePolicy.Manual, // Timing of saving data is controlled by the application.
                SaveFormat = SaveFormat.Utf8, // Format is utf8 text.
                NumberOfFileHistories = 1, // The journaling feature is integrated with file history (snapshots), so please set it to 1 or more.
                FileConfiguration = new LocalFileConfiguration("Local/JournalExample/JournalData.tinyhand"), // Specify the file name to save.

        context.SetJournal(new SimpleJournalConfiguration(new LocalDirectoryConfiguration("Local/JournalExample/Journal")));