



A "Hello, world!" application on ArceOS.

Quick Start

1. Install Build Dependencies

Install cargo-binutils to use rust-objcopy and rust-objdump tools:

cargo install cargo-binutils

Download ArceOS source code:


The ArceOS repository will be cloned into .arceos. You can also skip this step by specifying the AX_ROOT parameter when running the make command.

2. Build & Run

make ARCH=<arch> LOG=<log> run

Where <arch> should be one of riscv64, aarch64, x86_64.

<log> should be one of off, error, warn, info, debug, trace.

Other arguments are the same as ArceOS's Makefile.

For example, to run on qemu-system-aarch64 with 4 cores and log level info:

make ARCH=aarch64 LOG=info SMP=4 run

Run app-helloworld on ArceOS