

Bitcoin 2019 Conference

x2 OpenNode tutorials I will be running at https://www.bitcoin2019conference.com/.

Sign up to OpenNode here https://opennode.co/join/f774f2a0-1377-45e2-b719-6b821f24900d.

<h2>Download a portable Arduino IDE with the project files included:</h2>

The projects are included in the home directory of under "Portable" > "Sketchbook".

<h2>Alternatively:</h2> Install the Arduino IDE,<br> https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Install the ESP32 hardware,<br> https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32#installation-instructions

From "Manage Libraries" install,<br>


<h2>ESP32 Devkit V1 GPIO map</h2>

Details on wiring can be found at the header of each ino file

[ESP32 GPIO Map]

<h2>ESP32 NodeMCU-32S GPIO map</h2>

Details on wiring can be found at the header of each ino file

[ESP32 GPIO Map]

Tip me

If you like this project and might even use or extend it, why not send some tip love! https://paywall.link/to/f4e4e