

DySAT: Deep Neural Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Self-Attention Networks.

Contributors: Aravind Sankar (asankar3@illinois.edu).

Aravind Sankar, Yanhong Wu, Liang Gou, Wei Zhang, and Hao Yang, "DySAT: Deep Neural Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Self-Attention Networks", International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, <b>WSDM 2020</b>, Houston, TX, February 3-7, 2020.

This repository contains a TensorFlow implementation of DySAT - Dynamic Self Attention (DySAT) networks for dynamic graph representation Learning. DySAT is an unsupervised graph embedding model to learn node embeddings in dynamic time-evolving attributed graphs, which may later be used for downstream application tasks such as link prediction, clustering and node classification.

Note: Though DySAT is designed for attributed dynamic graphs, our benchmarking experiments are carried out on datasets that do not have node attributes.

DySAT: Dynamic Self-Attention Network

Incremental Dynamic Graph Embedding

To support streaming graph applications, we also provide an implementation of Incremental Self-Attention (IncSAT) Networks to learn dynamic incremental node embeddings in a stage-wise fashion. See our extended arxiv version for details on the algorithm.

If you make use of this code or the DySAT algorithm in your work, please cite our papers:

  title={Dynamic Graph Representation Learning via Self-Attention Networks},
  author={Sankar, Aravind and Wu, Yanhong and Gou, Liang and Zhang, Wei and Yang, Hao},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.09430},

  title={DySAT: Deep Neural Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs via Self-Attention Networks},
  author={Sankar, Aravind and Wu, Yanhong and Gou, Liang and Zhang, Wei and Yang, Hao},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining},


Recent versions of TensorFlow (<= 1.14), numpy, scipy, sklearn, and networkx (<= 1.11) are required. The code has been tested under Python 2.7. The required packages can be installed using the following command:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

To guarantee that you have the right package versions, you can use Anaconda to set up a virtual environment and install the dependencies from requirements.txt.

Input Format

In order to use your own data, you have to provide:

Repository Organization

The pre-processed versions of all datasets are available here.

Running the code

The code can be run by executing python run_script.py. The default values of all parameters are set in the script file and can be specified as command line arguments. The most important arguments are min_time and max_time that specify the range of time steps to train the model. This script calls multiple instances of train.py (or train_incremental.py) with time steps in this range (both ends included).

For example, if min_time is 2 and max_time is 3, two instances of the model are trained, where the first one trains on the G<sub>1</sub>, while the second instance trains on G<sub>1</sub> and G<sub>2</sub>. In case of link prediction, the evaluation is performed on the links in G<sub>2</sub> for the first instance, and the links of G<sub>3</sub> for the second.

The other hyper-parameters of the model are specified in run_script.py (along with detailed descriptions) and may need to be appropriately tuned for different datasets.

Logging Directory

For logging, the model flag should be provided to specify the variant/version of the experimented model (initially set to default), in addition to choosing base_model as DySAT or IncSAT.

A logging directory log_dir is then created at ./logs/<base_model>_<model>/, overwriting any existing files that might conflict.

The output of the model, log files and evaluation results (on link prediction) will be stored in subdirectories of log_dir, with date-wise logged files, along with the set of hyper-parameters and settings used in the experiment.

The learnt embeddings will be stored in numpy formatted files at subdirectory output/ and the results of downstream evaluation tasks will be stored in a subdirectory csv/, within log_dir.