Directory Structure
<pre> . +-- core | +-- invert_nn.m - The core optimization lies here +-- helpers - Several auxiliary functions that may be useful in general +-- experiments - All the code to replicate our experiments | +-- networks | | +-- hog_net.m - The hog and hogb networks are created using this | | +-- dsift_net.m - The dense sift neural network is here | | +-- Other networks used in our experiments can be downloaded from | +-- data | | +-- hog/img.png - Image used for HOG and DSIFT qualitative results | | +-- stock/ - Contains some more figures for reproducing qualitative results. +-- ihog - either copy or soft link ihog from Vondrick et. al. This is required to run our experiments with hoggle. +-- matconvnet - either copy or soft link matconvnet code here. If this is not here, then the setup function will not work. +-- vlfeat - again either copy or soft copy. If this is not here, then the setup function will not work. </pre>Experiments from the paper
To run the experiments used for our publication and replicate their results please follow the instructions below
Get the images
Download/soft link the imagenet validation images into experiments/data/imagenet12-val Download/soft link the stock abstrack images into experiments/data/stock
Compile ihog, vlfeat and matconvnet as per the instructions given at their respective webpages.
I) CNN experiments - qualitative results
cd experiments;
This might run for several hours and generate a lot of matlab figures. Each figure contains the images used in the paper.
II) HOG, HOGle, DSIFT experiments - qualitative results
cd experiments;
Same as before, it will generate matlab figures with the required images.
III) HOG, HOGb, HOGgle, DSIFT - quantitative results cd experiments; experiment_shallow_quantitative.m
It will generate mean and std of the normalized reconstruction error across 100 images. For this it will compute pre-images for 100 images and this will take a very long time.
Setting up and running your own networks
- Create a network (net) that is compatible with matconvnet vl_simplenn function.
- Run dg_setup.m in matlab
- Run the network forward to generate a target reference representation y0
- Call res = invert_nn(net, y0, [options]);
- res.output{end} is the required reconstruction.