

telegram spotify downloader bot: @SpotSeekBot

how to use as the client

Send bot a link from spotify and it'll download it for you.

how to deploy as the developer (I'm writing this guide for ubuntu)

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade
apt install python3-pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt install ffmpeg
chmod +x restart_spotseek.sh restart_spotseek_queue_handler.sh

add this text to crontab (change with the path you've cloned repository):

# spotseek
## run main scripts on reboot
@reboot /root/Storage/spot-seek-bot/restart_spotseek.sh
@reboot /root/Storage/spot-seek-bot/restart_spotseek_queue_handler.sh
## temp solution to reset every hour to free up memory
0 * * * * /root/Storage/spot-seek-bot/restart_spotseek.sh

technical info about how this bot works

csv files columns guide

database csv columns

date and time added | spotify track id | telegram audio id

users csv columns

unique user id | last use date and time

TO-DO: ideas & bugs to fix & features to add


This project is for personal learning, do not use it for illegal purposes. Artists can send their copyright claims to the developer.

support and donate

Give me energy with coffee:

Continuous monthly support: