

Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE)

<p align="center"> <img src="demos/pie_annotations.png" alt="pie_annotations" align="middle" width="600"/> </p> <br/><br/>

This repository contains code and annotations for the Pedestrian Intention Estimation (PIE) dataset: A. Rasouli, I. Kotseruba, T. Kunic, J.K. Tsotsos, PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation, ICCV, 2019 and a series of scripts for visualization and scenario evaluation.


<a name="citation"></a>


If you use our dataset, please cite:

author = {Rasouli, Amir and Kotseruba, Iuliia and Kunic, Toni and Tsotsos, John K.},
title = {PIE: A Large-Scale Dataset and Models for Pedestrian Intention Estimation and Trajectory Prediction},
booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
year = {2019}}

<a name="authors"></a>


Please send an email to yulia_k@eecs.yorku.ca or arasouli.ai@gmail.com if there are any problems with downloading or using the data.

<a name="license"></a>


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details