

DjangoCMS Events

Django-CMS Events app.

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A customisable Events app where you can choose your own Model with the DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_MODEL setting.


The Github project contains the following files and directories:


With DYE

To add djangocms_events to your DYE project:

Manual Installation

If you're not using DYE, then install djangocms_events in your global Python environment or virtualenv:

pip install djangocms_events

Or if it's not available on PyPI, or you need a newer version:

pip install -e git+https://github.com/aptivate/djangocms_events.git

Of course you need Django (1.5 or higher) and Django-CMS (2.4 or higher) in your environment as well. They'll be installed automatically by Pip if you don't have them already.

Creating a Model

You need a model to use with your events. Because events can differ so much, no standard model is provided, but you can use the one from our tests as a starting point, and customise it to meet your needs.

Create an app in your project, for example called events (or whatever you like) and add a model in models.py similar to the one you'll find in this project's GitHub. todo include the URL


Add djangocms_events to INSTALLED_APPS in your project's settings.py file:


Also add a line that sets DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_MODEL to point to the model that you created earlier:

DJANGOCMS_EVENTS_MODEL = 'events.models.MyEvent'

Installing the Views

To provide access to the included views, you have two options:

You can create a Django-CMS page and attach the "Events App" to it. All URLs will be relative to this page's URL (slug), which can be translated into different languages (e.g. /en/search and /es/buscar). You can find the Application setting under Advanced Settings when editing the page. Remember to restart the webserver after you do this, because Django-CMS caches the URL mapping for CMS Apps at server startup.

Alternatively, you can modify your global URL mapping to include the Events App views directly, by adding the following lines to urls.py in your project root:

import django.contrib.auth.urls
import djangocms_events
urlpatterns += patterns('', url('', include(djangocms_events.urls)))

Running the tests

You can clone the project from GitHub and run the tests manually with the tox command, which installs all the test dependencies for you:


This will test with Python 2.6 and 2.7, so you'll need both installed. If you just want to test one environment (which is faster and doesn't require two Pythons to be installed) you can do this:

tox -e py27-django16-cms3


Resuing the templates

The templates included with djangocms_events can be reused by:

Making a copy of the parent files 'djangocms_events/tempaltes/events/Copy one of the

Template reuse in Django

In Django you can reuse templates by:

Parent templates

The supplied templates in djangocms_events inherit from a file called base.html which may not exist in your project. You can create one which extends your own base template, whatever that's called, for example:

{% extends "myapp/root.html" %}

{% block my_content_middle %}
    {% block main %}
        The DjangoCMS-Events HTML will be inserted here
    {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}

Or you can create a directory called events under templates in one of your apps, copy one or more template files from djangocms_events into that directory and modify them. Provided your app appears before djangocms_events in your INSTALLED_APPS list, your template will override (replace) the one supplied in djangocms_events.

The views directly use the following templates:

These templates in turn include some fragments for repeated or reused blocks of HTML code: