

Spaces finder

Spaces finder is a tool to quickly enumerate DigitalOcean Spaces to look for loot. It's similar to a subdomain bruteforcer but is made specifically for DigitalOcean Spaces and also has some extra features that allow you to grep for delicious files as well as download interesting files if you're not afraid to quickly fill up your hard drive.

By Bharath

Built on top of AWSBucketDump by @ok_bye_now


Non-Standard Python Libraries:



usage: python3 spaces_finder.py [-h] [-D] [-t THREADS] -l HOSTLIST [-g GREPWORDS] [-m MAXSIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit`
  -D            Download files. This requires significant diskspace`
  -d            If set to 1 or True, create directories for each host w/ results`
  -t THREADS    number of threads`
  -g GREPWORDS  Provide a wordlist to grep for`
  -m MAXSIZE    Maximum file size to download.`

python3 spaces_finder.py -l SpacesNames.txt -g interesting_keywords.txt -D -m 500000 -d 1 -t 5