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<img src="https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/36907" height="30px"> ApprovalTests.WinForms

Build status NuGet Status

Extends ApprovalTests for approval of Windows Forms through screenshot verification.

The NuGet package NuGet Status


PM> Install-Package ApprovalTests.WinForms


<!-- snippet: usage -->

<a id='snippet-usage'></a>

WinFormsApprovals.Verify(new Form());

<sup><a href='/src/Tests/WinFormTests.cs#L47-L51' title='Snippet source file'>snippet source</a> | <a href='#snippet-usage' title='Start of snippet'>anchor</a></sup>

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System Differences

Usually Approval files take the form:


However, as WinForms will render differently on each OS, when approving with WinForms it will take the form


It does this before each run by calling

<!-- snippet: additional_info -->

<a id='snippet-additional_info'></a>


<sup><a href='/src/ApprovalTests.WinForms/WinFormsApprovals.cs#L16-L18' title='Snippet source file'>snippet source</a> | <a href='#snippet-additional_info' title='Start of snippet'>anchor</a></sup>

<!-- endSnippet -->

An Example Approval File would be:


Customizing System Naming

If you would like a different naming system you can customize the default naming.

For example, if you would like to use the the users name you could do this:

<!-- snippet: alternative_naming -->

<a id='snippet-alternative_naming'></a>


<sup><a href='/src/Tests/WinFormTests.cs#L16-L18' title='Snippet source file'>snippet source</a> | <a href='#snippet-alternative_naming' title='Start of snippet'>anchor</a></sup>

<!-- endSnippet -->

Would yield:

<!-- snippet: alternative_custom_name -->

<a id='snippet-alternative_custom_name'></a>


<sup><a href='/src/Tests/WinFormTests.cs#L22-L24' title='Snippet source file'>snippet source</a> | <a href='#snippet-alternative_custom_name' title='Start of snippet'>anchor</a></sup>

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Read more on EnvironmentSpecificTest here