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This is an Appium driver for Chromium-based browsers (like Chrome).

Why does this project exist?

It is already possible to automate Chromium browsers with Chromedriver. In fact, this Appium driver uses Chromedriver under the hood! It is not any kind of fundamentally new or different technology. The advantages of using this project are:


It's assumed that you have an Appium server (version 2.x+) installed, and that you have a browser compatible with Chromedriver ready to automate on your system. The recommended installation method is to use the Appium extension CLI to install the driver:

appium driver install chromium

Note MSEdge browser support started since v1.1.0


To start an automation session targeting this driver, construct a set of options/capabilities in any WebDriver client that (minimally) includes the following:

platformNameOne of macOS, mac, Linux, or Windows (depending on your system)
browserNamebrowserName to the running WebDriver process. For example, chrome or chromium is for chromedriver, MicrosoftEdge or msedge is for msedge driver.

Use these capabilities to start a new session. (Refer to the documentation for your WebDriver client for the particular syntax used to start a session in that client).

At this point, all WebDriver commands are proxied directly to WebDriver. This driver does not implement any additional commands. Refer to the Chromedriver documentation or the WebDriver specification for a list of the available automation commands.

Note Supported WebDriver kinds are chromedriver for Chrome and Chromium browsers and msedgedriver for MSEdge.


In addition to all of the Chromedriver capabilities (nested underneath goog:chromeOptions for Chrome and Chromium or ms:edgeOptions for MSEdge), this driver supports the following:

CapabilityDescriptionDefault Value
appium:chromedriverPortThe port to start WebDriver process on9515
appium:executableThe absolute path to a WebDriver binary executable. If set, the driver will use that path instead of its own WebDriver
appium:executableDirA directory within which is found any number of WebDriver binaries. If set, the driver will search this directory for WebDrivers of the appropriate version to use for your browser
appium:verboseSet to true to add the --verbose flag when starting WebDriverfalse
appium:logPathThe path to use with the --log-path parameter directing WebDriver to write its log to that path, if set
appium:disableBuildCheckSet to true to add the --disable-build-check flag when starting WebDriverfalse
appium:autodownloadEnabledSet to false to disable automatic downloading of Chromedrivers.true
appium:useSystemExecutableSet to true to use the version of WebDriver bundled with this driver, rather than attempting to download a new one based on the version of the browser under testfalse

Note msedgedriver support is limited. appium:autodownloadEnabled does not work for the driver, thus appium:executable is necessary to automate MSEdge browser properly.



This script is used to install the given or latest stable version of chromedriver (113+) from Chrome for testing with appium driver run chromium install-chromedriver. Please read Version selection document to find a proper chromedriver manually that is good for your current browser.

Below environment arguments are available:


Contributions to this project are welcome! Feel free to submit a PR on GitHub.

To get set up with a working developer environment, clone the project then run:

npm install

To build the code once:

npm run build

To rebuild the code anytime a file is saved:

npm run dev

Before committing any code, please make sure to run:

npm run lint
npm run test:ci

And make sure everything passes!

More developer scripts can be found in package.json.