

License: MIT


ROS package for the Perception (Sensor Processing, Detection, Tracking and Evaluation) of the KITTI Vision Benchmark


<p align="center"> <img src="./videos/semantic.gif"> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./videos/rviz.gif"> </p>


Sticking to this folder structure is highly recommended:

    ~                                        # Home directory
    ├── catkin_ws                            # Catkin workspace
    │   ├── src                              # Source folder
    │       └── SARosPerceptionKitti         # Repo
    ├── kitti_data                           # Dataset
    │   ├── 0012                             # Demo scenario 0012
    │   │   └── synchronized_data.bag        # Synchronized ROSbag file
  1. Install ROS and create a catkin workspace in your home directory:
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
  1. Clone this repository into the catkin workspace's source folder (src) and build it:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/appinho/SARosPerceptionKitti.git
cd ~/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
  1. Download a preprocessed scenario and unzip it into a separate kitti_data directory, also stored under your home directory:
mkdir ~/kitti_data && cd ~/kitti_data/
mv ~/Downloads/0012.zip .
unzip 0012.zip
rm 0012.zip


  1. Launch one of the following ROS nodes to perform and visualize the pipeline (Sensor Processing -> Object Detection -> Object Tracking) step-by-step:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch sensor_processing sensor_processing.launch home_dir:=/home/YOUR_USERNAME
roslaunch detection detection.launch home_dir:=/home/YOUR_USERNAME
roslaunch tracking tracking.launch home_dir:=/home/YOUR_USERNAME

Without assigning any of the abovementioned parameters the demo scenario 0012 is replayed at 20% of its speed with a 3 second delay so RViz has enough time to boot up.

  1. Write the results to file and evaluate them:
roslaunch evaluation evaluation.launch home_dir:=/home/YOUR_USERNAME
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/SARosPerceptionKitti/benchmark/python
python evaluate_tracking.py

Results for demo scenario 0012



If you have any questions, things you would love to add or ideas how to actualize the points in the Area of Improvements, send me an email at simonappel62@gmail.com ! More than interested to collaborate and hear any kind of feedback.

<!-- ### DIY: Data generation 0000 -> 0005 0001 -> 0009 0002 -> 0011 0003 -> 0013 0004 -> 0014 0006 -> 0018 0010 -> 0056 0011 -> 0059 0012 -> 0060 0013 -> 0091 1) [Install Kitti2Bag](https://github.com/tomas789/kitti2bag) ``` pip install kitti2bag ``` 2) Convert scenario `0060` into a ROSbag file: * Download and unzip the `synced+rectified data` file and its `calibration` file from the [KITTI Raw Dataset](http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/raw_data.php) * Merge both files into one ROSbag file ``` cd ~/kitti_data/ kitti2bag -t 2011_09_26 -r 0060 raw_synced ``` 3) Synchronize the sensor data: * The script matches the timestamps of the Velodyne point cloud data with the camara data to perform Sensor Fusion in a synchronized way within the ROS framework ``` cd ~/catkim_ws/src/ROS_Perception_Kitti_Dataset/pre_processing/ python sync_rosbag.py raw_synced.bag ``` 4) Store preprocessed semantic segmentated images: * The camera data is preprocessed within a Deep Neural Network to create semantic segmentated images. With this step a "real-time" performance on any device (CPU usage) can be guaranteed ``` mkdir ~/kitti_data/0060/segmented_semantic_images/ cd ~/kitti_data/0060/segmented_semantic_images/ ``` * For any other scenario follow this steps: Well pre-trained network with an IOU of 73% can be found here: [Finetuned Google's DeepLab on KITTI Dataset](https://github.com/hiwad-aziz/kitti_deeplab) ### Troubleshooting * Make sure to close RVIz and restart the ROS launch command if you want to execute the scenario again. Otherwise it seems like the data isn't moving anymore ([see here](https://github.com/appinho/SARosPerceptionKitti/issues/7)) * Semenatic images warning: Go to sensor.cpp line 543 in sensor_processing_lib and hardcode your personal home directory! ([see full discussion here](https://github.com/appinho/SARosPerceptionKitti/issues/10)) * Make sure the scenario is encoded as 4 digit number, like above `0060` * Make sure the images are encoded as 10 digit numbers starting from `0000000000.png` * Make sure the resulting semantic segmentated images have the color encoding of the [Cityscape Dataset](https://www.cityscapes-dataset.com/examples/) ### Results Evaluation results for 7 Scenarios `0011,0013,0014,0018,0056,0059,0060` | Class | MOTP | MODP | | ------------ |:-------:|:-------:| | Car | 0.715273| 0.785403| | Pedestrian | 0.581809| 0.988038| ### Area for Improvements * Friendly solution to not hard code the user's home directory path * Record walk through video of entire project * Find a way to run multiple scenarios with one execution * Improving the Object Detection: * Visualize Detection Grid * Incorporate features of the shape of cars * Handle false classification within the semantic segmentation * Replace MinAreaRect with better fitting of the object's bounding box * Integrate view of camera image to better group clusters since point clouds can be spare for far distances * Improving the Object Tracking: * Delete duplicated tracks * Soften yaw estimations * Improve evaluation * Write out FP FN * Try different approaches: * Applying the VoxelNet ### To Do * Make smaller gifs * Double check * transformation from camera 02 to velo * grid to point cloud has any errors * Reduce street pavement error prone cells * Objects to free space or not ## Evaluation for 7 Scenarios 0011,0013,0014,0018,0056,0059,0060 | Class | MOTA | MOTP | MOTAL | MODA | MODP | | ------------ |:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:|:-------:| | CAR | 0.250970| 0.715273| 0.274552| 0.274903| 0.785403| | PEDESTRIAN |-0.015038| 0.581809|-0.015038|-0.015038| 0.988038| [157, 154, 280, 306, 378, 1283, 17] [64, 10, 10, 72, 11, 196, 0] [39, 75, 120, 39, 33, 569, 0] [8, 0, 1, 0, 4, 18, 18] [3, 0, 2, 0, 0, 52, 0] [172, 0, 63, 0, 25, 177, 46] ## Pipeline ### 1a) Sensor Fusion: Velodyne Point Cloud Processing * [Ground extraction & Free space estimation](http://wiki.ros.org/but_velodyne_proc) ### 1b) Sensor Fusion: Raw Image Processing * [Semantic segmentation](https://github.com/martinkersner/train-DeepLab) ### 1c) Sensor Fusion: Mapping Point Cloud and Image ### 2 Detection: DBSCAN Clustering ### 3 Tracking: UKF Tracker Video image linker example [![Segmentation illustration](https://img.youtube.com/vi/UXHX9kFGXfg/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXHX9kFGXfg "Segmentation") -->