

Django Volt PRO

Django Dashboard coded with basic modules, database, ORM, and deployment scripts on top of Volt Dashboard PRO (premium version), a modern Bootstrap dashboard design. Volt Pro is a premium Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard featuring over 800 components, 20 example pages and 10 fully customized plugin written in Vanilla Javascript.

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Volt PRO - Full-Stack Starter generated by AppSeed.

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Start in Docker

Step 1 - Download the code and unzip the sources (requires a purchase).

$ unzip django-volt-dashboard-pro.zip
$ cd django-volt-dashboard-pro
<br />

Step 2 - Start the APP in Docker

# Optional (kill all existing containers)
$ docker container kill $(docker ps -q) ; docker container rm $(docker ps -a -q) ; docker network prune -f 
# Start the APP
$ docker-compose up --build 

Visit http://localhost:5085 in your browser. The app should be up & running.

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Create new .env from env.sample

The meaning of each variable can be found below:

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Manual Build

Step 1 - Download the code and unzip the sources (requires a purchase).

$ unzip django-volt-dashboard-pro.zip
$ cd django-volt-dashboard-pro
<br />

👉 Set Up for Unix, MacOS

Install modules via VENV

$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
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Set Up Database

$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
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Create Superuser

$ python manage.py createsuperuser
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Start the app

$ python manage.py runserver

At this point, the app runs at

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👉 Set Up for Windows

Install modules via VENV (windows)

$ virtualenv env
$ .\env\Scripts\activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
<br />

Set Up Database

$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
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Start the app

$ python manage.py runserver

At this point, the app runs at

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👉 Create Users

By default, the app redirects guest users to authenticate. In order to access the private pages, follow this set up:

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Start Celery (async task)

$ export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="core.settings"  
$ celery -A apps.tasks worker -l info -B
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Enable Social Login

👉 Github Setup - Create an OAuth App

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The project is coded using a simple and intuitive structure presented below:

   |-- core/              # Implements app configuration
   |    |-- settings.py   # Defines Global Settings
   |    |-- wsgi.py       # Start the app in production
   |    |-- urls.py       # Define URLs served by all apps/nodes
   |-- home/              # Serves all pages from the UI Kit  
   |-- apps/
   |    |
   |    |-- common/       # Assets used by all APPS (models, helpers)
   |    |-- users/        # Handles Auth Flow
   |    |-- api/          # DRF API
   |    |-- charts/       # Charts APP
   |    |-- tables/       # DataTables APP
   |    |-- tasks/        # Celery App
   |-- templates/         # Pages & Templates   
   |-- assets/            # Static Assets [ JS, CSS, images ]   
   |-- requirements.txt   # Development modules - SQLite storage
   |-- .env               # Environment
   |-- env.sample         # Environment Sample
   |-- manage.py          # Django Manager File
   |-- ************************************************************************
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Django Volt PRO - Starter crafted by AppSeed.