


Vortex is a high level scripting language that compiles to Lua.

The current compiler is written in Lua and is far from complete; it's still very much work in progress. The codegen will get separated, more features will be added, code updated, reformatted, cleaned up and documented. The next implementation of Vortex will be self hosted.


Vortex is a dynamic (untyped) language (and strongly checked). It puts emphasis on procedural and functional programming. It also features prototype based OO with possible implementation of class based through extension of syntax and semantics.

It primarily draws inspiration from Lua, Scheme, OCaml/F# and Rust.

Thanks to its Lua base, you can easily embed Vortex in your project. Every Vortex script lives within its own environment, no outer modifications are made. Vortex uses Lua's standard library. New modules are to be written though, so the standard library will be extended.

Any Lua module can be accessed through a special table. Vortex's module system will use custom routines for this, handling loading of macros and so on, which will be incompatible with Lua's. If you want to use Lua modules, use Lua functions.

The language uses a curly braced, free form syntax. That allows very easy implementation, but creates a few constraints. Everything is an expression; there are no statements (althrough some of the expressions are meant to be used as statements).

A quick list of features:

The performance is comparable to handwritten Lua.



The lexer is pretty much complete when it comes to language's current design. More keywords will be added and operators might change.


Macro processor

No work on macros has been done yet.

### Codegen

### Runtime

Standard library

Vortex uses Lua's standard library. It will be extended with custom modules and some will be redesigned, but the core modules (string, math, ...) stay (sometimes with extensions).

Example code

See code examples in the documentation/wiki.