

Fusio CSharp SDK

This is the official Fusio C# SDK, it helps to talk to the Fusio REST API. Fusio is an open source API management system, more information at: https://www.fusio-project.org


The following example shows how you can get all registered routes at the backend. A working example is also available at: https://github.com/apioo/fusio-sample-csharp-cli

using Fusio.SDK;
using Sdkgen.Client;
using Sdkgen.Client.Credentials;
using Sdkgen.Client.TokenStore;

List<string> scopes = new() {"backend"};
ITokenStore tokenStore = new MemoryTokenStore();

ICredentials credentials = new OAuth2("test", "FRsNh1zKCXlB", "https://demo.fusio-project.org/authorization/token", "", tokenStore, scopes);
Client client = new("https://demo.fusio-project.org", credentials);

    BackendOperationCollection collection = await client.Backend().Operation().GetAll(0, 16, "");

    for (int i = 0; i < collection.Entry?.Count; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("* " + collection.Entry[i].HttpMethod + " " + collection.Entry[i].HttpPath);
catch (CommonMessageException e)
    Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Payload.Message);