


This is a REST-API to get data about COVID19 (new corona-virus) cases. Data sources are Open Data Kanton Zürich (openZH) (for detailed figures about Switzerland) and Johns Hopkins University (for figures about the world - including detailed data on city-level for the United States of America (USA)).

The data can be filtered by country, area, (city/admin on JHU-data) and date. Aggregated sums are available on each filter level. Output is available in json and csv.




API for openZH-data (Switzerland)

MethodAPIRemarkExample call
GET/api/doccurrently a redirect to this github-readme[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/doc]
GET/api/openzh/v1/allread all data[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/all]
GET/api/openzh/v1/country/<country>read all data for the given country. <br> <li> CH (Switzlerand) <li> FL (Fürstentum Liechtenstein)[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/country/CH]
GET/api/openzh/v1/country/<country>/area/<area>read all data for the given country and area. Area is one of this Swiss-cantons, column 'code'. <br> Not supported for country FL[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/country/CH/area/BE]

Query parameters

On all calls listed above, you can add optionally the following query-parameters.

ParameterRemarkExample call
date=<yyyy-mm-dd>only data for the given date. Format: yyyy-mm-dd[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/country/CH?date=2020-03-23]
skipRecords=truereturns only "totals" and NO "records"[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/all?skipRecords=true]
output=csvoutput in csv instead of json[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/openzh/v1/country/CH?date=2020-03-23&output=csv]

Deprecated fields

Please upgrade your client to the renamed fields (renamed by openzh). The deprecated fields will be removed on May 14, 2020 This concerns fields in "totals" and "records".

Deprecated fieldnew field-name
ncumul_ICU _fwdcurrent_icu_fwd

Output json

  "totals": {
    "ncumul_tested_fwd": 21469,
    "ncumul_conf_fwd": 26467,
    "ncumul_hosp_fwd": 1769,
    "ncumul_ICU_fwd": 330,
    "ncumul_vent_fwd": 208,
    "current_hosp_fwd": 1769,
    "current_icu_fwd": 330,
    "current_vent_fwd": 208,
    "ncumul_released_fwd": 3720,
    "ncumul_deceased_fwd": 1262
  "records": [
      "date": "2020-04-15",
      "time": "14:45",
      "abbreviation_canton_and_fl": "AG",
      "ncumul_tested": "",
      "ncumul_conf": 929,
      "new_hosp": "",
      "current_hosp": 69,
      "current_icu": 20,
      "current_vent": 20,
      "ncumul_released": 450,
      "ncumul_deceased": 22,
      "source": "https://www.ag.ch/media/kanton_aargau/themen_1/coronavirus_1/lagebulletins/200415_KFS_Coronavirus_Lagebulletin_33.pdf",
      "ncumul_tested_fwd": 0,
      "ncumul_conf_fwd": 929,
      "ncumul_hosp": 69,
      "ncumul_ICU": 20,
      "ncumul_vent": 20,
      "ncumul_hosp_fwd": 69,
      "ncumul_ICU_fwd": 20,
      "ncumul_vent_fwd": 20,
      "current_hosp_fwd": 69,
      "current_icu_fwd": 20,
      "current_vent_fwd": 20,
      "ncumul_released_fwd": 450,
      "ncumul_deceased_fwd": 22
      "date": "2020-04-15",
      "time": "11:00",
      "abbreviation_canton_and_fl": "AI",
      "ncumul_tested": "",
      "ncumul_conf": 24,
      "new_hosp": "",
      "current_hosp": "",
      "current_icu": "",
      "current_vent": "",
      "ncumul_released": "",
      "ncumul_deceased": "",
      "source": "https://www.ai.ch/themen/gesundheit-alter-und-soziales/gesundheitsfoerderung-und-praevention/uebertragbare-krankheiten/coronavirus",
      "ncumul_tested_fwd": 0,
      "ncumul_conf_fwd": 24,
      "ncumul_hosp": "",
      "ncumul_ICU": "",
      "ncumul_vent": "",
      "ncumul_hosp_fwd": 1,
      "ncumul_ICU_fwd": 0,
      "ncumul_vent_fwd": 0,
      "current_hosp_fwd": 1,
      "current_icu_fwd": 0,
      "current_vent_fwd": 0,
      "ncumul_released_fwd": 0,
      "ncumul_deceased_fwd": 0

Remark: 'totals' are available by /all and /country. It's the sum over all countries/areas, hence you can get the totals for Switzerland with /country/CH. If no date-query-parameter is set, the last day per area is taken to build the sum.

Forwarded values: Field-names ending with "_fwd" are never empty. Instead the value from the previous date is taken. For many usecases (e. g. aggregate totals), the fwd-fields are the preferred choice. The field without _fwd is empty, if no value was reported by a canton for that date.

Ouptut csv


Remark: There is no 'totals' available in csv-output.

API for Johns Hopkins University (JHU) (data for world)

<span style="color:red">Currently not deployed on the Heroku-Server, because of too less memory on this server. If you need this API, deploy it on your own server/laptop. Follow this guideline </span>

MethodAPIRemarkExample call
GET/api/doccurrently a redirect to this github-readme[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/doc]
GET/api/jhu/v1/allread all data[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/all]
GET/api/jhu/v1/country/<country>read all data for the given country. <br> <li> Alpha-3-Code from ISO-3166 <li>Mapping JHU-country-name to Alpha-3-code[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/country/CHE]
GET/api/jhu/v1/country/<country>/area/<area>read all data for the given country and area. <br> <li>Area is as listed by JHU Province/State <li>But remove all WHITESPACES![https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/country/USA/area/NewYork]
GET/api/jhu/v1/country/<country>/area/<area>/admin<admin>read all data for the given country, area and admin (city) <br> <li> Admin is as listed by JHU Admin2 <li>But remove all WHITESPACES in name![https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/country/USA/area/NewYork/admin/St.Lawrence]

Query parameters

On all calls listed above, you can add optionally the following query-parameters.

ParameterRemarkExample call
date=<yyyy-mm-dd>only data for the given date. Format: yyyy-mm-dd[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/country/ITA?date=2020-03-31]
skipRecords=truereturns only "totals" and NO "records"[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/all?skipRecords=true]
output=csvoutput in csv instead of json[https://covid19-rest.herokuapp.com/api/jhu/v1/country/CHN/area/hubei?date=2020-03-23&output=csv]

Output json

  "totals": {
    "ncumul_conf": 213372,
    "ncumul_released": 8474,
    "ncumul_deceased": 4757
  "records": [
      "date": "2020-04-01",
      "country": "US",
      "countryISO": "USA",
      "area": "Washington",
      "admin": "King",
      "fips": 53033,
      "lastUpdate": "2020-04-01 21:58:49",
      "latitude": 47.49137892,
      "longitude": -121.8346131,
      "ncumul_conf": 2330,
      "ncumul_released": 0,
      "ncumul_deceased": 150
      "date": "2020-04-01",
      "country": "US",
      "countryISO": "USA",
      "area": "Washington",
      "admin": "Snohomish",
      "fips": 53061,
      "lastUpdate": "2020-04-01 21:58:49",
      "latitude": 48.04615983,
      "longitude": -121.7170703,
      "ncumul_conf": 1304,
      "ncumul_released": 0,
      "ncumul_deceased": 40

Remark: 'totals' is the sum over your selection-criteria, hence you can get the totals for Korea with /country/KOR or for New York with /country/USA/area/NewYork. If no date-query-parameter is set, the last day is taken to build the sum.

Ouptut csv

"2020-04-01","US","USA","Washington","King",53033,"2020-04-01 21:58:49",47.49137892,-121.8346131,2330,0,150
"2020-04-01","US","USA","Washington","Snohomish",53061,"2020-04-01 21:58:49",48.04615983,-121.7170703,1304,0,40
"2020-04-01","US","USA","Washington","Unassigned","","2020-04-01 21:58:49",0,0,303,0,0

Remark: There is no 'totals' available in csv-output.


To enhance / adapt this REST-API follow this steps.


Install Node.js on your system. Developed with 12.16.1 LTS, but any not too old version should be fine.

Clone this repo

git clone https://github.com/apfeuti/covid19-rest.git

cd covid19-rest


npm install


npm run start

Open in browser



Feel free to raise an issue for bugs, feature-requests, improvements, etc. or provide your own pull-request. <br> Do you like the API? Have critism or something else to say? <br> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=APfeuti&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" class="twitter-mention-button" data-show-count="false">Tweet to @APfeuti</a>


2020-04-16Using v2-data of openZH. See Deprecated fields
2020-04-16Added query-parameter skipRecords=true
2020-04-07Added forward-fields, which are never empty
2020-10-19Added artifical rows for missing days and forward values to this rows (Issue #9)
2020-11-03Added CORS in response-header