


##What's resxible? resxible is a simple tool to generate automatically several platform-dependent resource files from a single RESX file.


We are using resxible in our Xamarin based projects but it's compatible for any cross-platform solutions. From one or several resx files it generates the native files needed to localize your application. We are working on improving the developer experience (aka Visual/Xamarin Studio integrations)


###from the nuget package

###from the binaries

##Resources Generation


resxible.exe [-t] [-c] [-m] [-d] [-b] [-clear]



resxible.exe -t=android -c="Common.resx" -m="MyApp.resx" -d="..\..\MyApp.Droid\Resources\Values\Strings.xml"
resxible.exe -t=ios -c="Common.resx" -m="MyApp.resx" -d="..\..\MyApp.iOS\en.lproj\Localizable.strings"


Yes resixble is supporting several languages and you don't need to specify them in the script. By default resxible will look for others files with language suffixes and will generate the platform-specific artefacts accordingly. For example if you have a Master.resx file, resxible will also handle a Master.fr.resx file transparently.

To specify a shared resx file between several projects to reuse generic strings. Any key present in your project specific file will override the one from this common source.

This video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnv5Q4NLKQo or look into the sample folder in the repository.

##But resxible doesn't support XYZ or I found a bug Don't hesitate to create an issue or better, fork it and send us a pull request!

##Contact http://www.apcurium.com/contact-us/