

============================= pyes - Python ElasticSearch


pyes is a pythonic way to use ElasticSearch since 2010.

This version requires elasticsearch 1.x or above. It's a pre release for pyes 1.x. Give a look to migrations documentation to upgrade you code for ElasticSearch 1.x.

We are working to provide full support to ElasticSearch 1.x (check the develop branch: we are using the git-flow workflow) that'll have:



v. 0.99.0:

Migrated many code to ElasticSearch 1.x

Full coverage for actual queries

v. 0.99:

Added aggregation

Fix for python3 compatibility

Upgraded code to use ElasticSearch 1.x or above

v. 0.90.1:

Bug Fix releases for some python3 introduced regression

v. 0.90.0:

A lot of improvements.

Python 3 support.

Migration to version 0.99

CustomScoreQuery has been removed. The FunctionScoreQuery with its functions cover the previous functionalities. For scripting use ScriptScoreFunction.



This software is licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.